Therapy service dog helping two little boys grieve their veteran father’s death is mysteriously shot dead while out on a family walk

A family’s therapy dog ​​that helped two young boys grieve for their father was mysteriously shot three times and had to be put down.

Arielle Brandenburg, from Minnesota, was walking with her two sons in her driveway on June 15 when they lost sight of him for 15 minutes.

When Gus reappeared, he had been shot three times by an unknown gunman and his injuries were so severe that the family had to put him to sleep.

Brandenburg mourned his loss, saying, “Gus was a certified therapy dog ​​who helped two little boys through the biggest heartache of their lives” after the death of their father, an Iraq War veteran, Jeremy.

Police are investigating the shooting and are looking for the shooter.

A family’s therapy dog ​​that helped two young boys grieve for their military father was mysteriously shot in Minnesota last week

Gus had comforted the boys since the death of their father, an Iraq War veteran, who died a year and a half ago

Gus had comforted the boys since the death of their father, an Iraq War veteran, who died a year and a half ago

Arielle told Fox: ‘Every time he was anxious and afraid and grieved, [Gus] came on top of him and was a weighted blanket, and was truly his best friend, and was there during the intense grieving process of losing a parent.”

The boys’ father, an Iraq War veteran who suffered from PTSD, died by suicide a year and a half ago.

Gus comforted the boys when they were upset or scared.

But on June 15, just after 6 p.m., Gus ran to the porch of their home, bleeding profusely from his back leg after being out with the family.

They called the police and rushed him to the emergency room, but vets discovered that a .22 caliber bullet had traveled to his lungs and said they had no choice but to put him to sleep.

The boys had the chance to say goodbye to Gus who had been with the family for five years.

Arielle told Fox: “There was enough comfort for the boys to say ‘goodbye’ and get a paw print, and love him one last time.

“Reece said to Gus, ‘I hope you find Dad and keep him company.’

Police are investigating the shooting and are looking for the shooter

Police are investigating the shooting and are looking for the shooter

Gus had been shot three times by an unknown gunman and his injuries were so severe that the family had to put him to sleep

Gus had been shot three times by an unknown gunman and his injuries were so severe that the family had to put him down

The shooter has not yet been identified, but the Carver County Sheriff’s Office is investigating.

Arielle wrote on Facebook: “You truly took away a family member and a piece of my heart this morning.

“If anyone had any information or can think of anyone who might have done this in Norwood, please contact me.”

After sharing the incident on Facebook, Arielle told Fox that a neighbor sent her a message saying her horse had also been shot, suggesting it could be a pattern of attacks.

Arielle said, “I’m terrified of leaving my horses on the side of the road, or even letting my kids ride their dirt bikes alone. It’s too scary right now.”