The yoga expert who can have an orgasm without any touching


The yoga expert who can have an orgasm without any touching: Tests show how woman can put herself into a ‘continuous’ state of excitement without any physical stimulation

  • Karolin Tsarski can put herself into a ‘continuous orgasmic state, tests showed
  • She said seven years of practising tantric yoga gave her a spontaneous orgasm
  • ‘It was completely non-sexual,’ said the London School of Economics graduate 







Women can learn to orgasm without any touch whatsoever, scientists believe after studying the case of a yoga teacher.

During a series of tests, Karolin Tsarski was able to prove to them that she can put herself into a ‘continuous orgasmic state’ without any physical stimulation.

Miss Tsarski explained how it was after seven years of practising tantric yoga that she had her first spontaneous orgasm – while watching a film about the Buddha.

‘It was completely non-sexual,’ said the London School of Economics graduate. ‘They were showing that scene where he gets enlightened and it kind of hit me.’

Karolin Tsarski was able to orgasm using purely tantric yoga after seven years of practising. Neurologist James Pfaus the hormone prolactin had surged in her blood during the climaxes

Karolin Tsarski was able to orgasm using purely tantric yoga after seven years of practising. Neurologist James Pfaus the hormone prolactin had surged in her blood during the climaxes

After that she started climaxing in other ‘random’ contexts too, such as in restaurants, or even walking down the street. Now, in addition to the unexpected orgasms – which she is able to conceal if in public by ‘directing the energy within’ and ‘not allowing the shaking and the voices’ – she is also able to ‘make it happen any time’.

Her orgasms can last for a long time too – during the tests, for example, they were five and ten minutes long. ‘I could go longer but I choose not to,’ said Miss Tsarski, 33, from Estonia. ‘It’s very intense.’

To test her claims, neurologist James Pfaus measured the levels of the hormone prolactin in Miss Tsarski’s blood before and after these ‘energy orgasms’, and found they surged once she had climaxed.

In contrast, when her prolactin levels were measured before and after reading a book, there was no such change, according to the findings, published in the scientific journal Sexual Medicine.

Professor Pfaus, from Charles University in Prague, said: ‘As for the prolactin release, this was really the key finding.

‘There are several published papers showing that prolactin release is an unambiguous “marker” of orgasm barring either a pituitary adenoma [a non-cancerous tumour] or lactation [when women are producing milk].

‘So the idea here was to see if her orgasms were “real”, meaning that they would be accompanied by an increase in prolactin afterward because there is no way to fake that. You can’t will your prolactin to increase.’

The Wstonian woman's orgasms can last for a long time too – during the tests, for example, they were five and ten minutes long. She said they are very intense

The Wstonian woman's orgasms can last for a long time too – during the tests, for example, they were five and ten minutes long. She said they are very intense

The Wstonian woman’s orgasms can last for a long time too – during the tests, for example, they were five and ten minutes long. She said they are very intense