The View hosts, Jon Stewart lead liberal celebrity gloating over Tucker Carlson’s ouster from Fox

Waving him hello: The View hosts, Jon Stewart lead liberal celebrity gloating over the ouster of conservative Tucker Carlson from Fox

  • Progressives celebrate news of Tucker Carlson’s ouster from Fox News
  • The comment, seen on Monday, came almost immediately after Fox issued a statement announcing they were “parting ways” with the talking head
  • Some offered choice words for the protracted Fox match, while others, like Stewart, were more subtle in rubbing salt into the 53-year-old’s fresh wound.

Prominent progressives are already celebrating the news of Tucker Carlson’s sudden ouster from Fox News – with the ladies of The View leading the way with an on-air Mexican wave.

The reaction, seen Monday morning, came almost immediately after Fox issued a statement announcing that they had “parted ways” with the talking head, prompting a litany of leftists like Jon Stewart to take to Twitter to protest. enjoy the decision.

Aside from the former Daily Show host — who famously clashed with Carlson over his interviewing style during a 2004 episode of CNN’s Crossfire — others hailed the host’s nixing, including George Takei, Twitch streamer Hasanabi and Keith Olbermann.

Some offered choice words for the lengthy Fox contest, while others, like Stewart, were more subtle in rubbing salt into the 53-year-old Trump supporter’s wound — with the Democrat only offering a pointy emoji in response.

The exhibition, as seen from the women of the View, meanwhile, was much clearer – with longtime host Whoopi Goldberg announcing the news before joining the audience in an impassioned rendition of ‘Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye’.

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The ladies of The View led the boisterous liberal response to the longtime Fox host’s impeachment Monday, celebrating with an on-air Mexican wave

Some offered choice words for the long-running Fox contest, while others, like outspoken Carlson hater Jon Stewart, were more subtle in rubbing salt into the 53-year-old Trump supporter's wound — with the retired Daily Show host only the above emoji offered in reply

Some offered choice words for the long-running Fox contest, while others, like outspoken Carlson hater Jon Stewart, were more subtle in rubbing salt into the 53-year-old Trump supporter’s wound — with the retired Daily Show host only the above emoji offered in reply

Ana Navarro, who led the chant, is a Republican, but seemed equally thrilled when 67-year-old Goldberg gave the audience a real-time update on Carlson’s apparent resignation after 17 years with the news channel during the live taping.

“It has just been reported that Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways,” Goldberg announced before receiving a burst of applause from those in attendance at the ABC Broadcast Center in Manhattan.

The actress, the eldest on the panel with Joy Behar out, went on to perform the gesture that became popular at Mexico’s 1986 World Cup in celebration, with her fellow panelists all joining in.

As the woman sat back down, Navarro — who joined the program last August — seemingly tried to prolong the festivities by singing the 1969 hit to herald Carlson’s departure. The audience was once again eager to participate.

“Can I ask the audience if they want to help me with something?” the increasingly lively 51-year-old asked aloud before beginning to sing. ‘Come on people! Na na na na. Na na na na. Hi Hi Hi. Bye! Sayonara.’

As the impromptu chorus died down, panelist Sunny Hostin — who has been criticized in the past for forcing her progressive views on her more moderate colleagues like Goldberg and ex-Trump aide Alyssa Farrah Griffin — continued to kick Carlson while he was down.

“I don’t think anyone likes to celebrate the demise of someone’s career, but he is responsible for the degradation that we are seeing somewhat of our democracy in this country,” said the 54-year-old lawyer.

She happily added, “And I just think, as a religious person, look at God. Look at God!’

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