The View co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar demand Democrats ‘get behind Biden’ in 2024

The View co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar demand Democrats “get behind Biden” in his 2024 re-election bid: “You can’t fight fascism in four years. You need eight years for that’

  • Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar asked viewers to get behind Biden in 2024
  • Behar joked, “You can’t fight fascism in four years. You need eight for that’

Progressive The View co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar encouraged Democrats to stand with President Biden in his 2024 reelection.

During an episode of The View on Wednesday, Goldberg said that under Biden, the country was changing for the better, but acknowledged that things weren’t “perfect.”

Behar echoed the sentiment, suggesting the president needs more time.

“It will take him another four years to get the job done,” she said. You can’t fight fascism in four years. You need eight years for that.’

Biden announced his re-election bid Tuesday morning with the release of a video in which he tells voters, “The question we face is whether we have more or less freedom, more rights or less in the years to come.”

Biden would be 86 years old at the end of a second term — his critics, even those within the Democratic party, have suggested he should make way for a new leader.

Joy Behar (pictured) suggested in The View on Wednesday that Biden needs another four years to implement change

Whoopi Goldberg encouraged Democrats to get behind President Biden in his 2024 re-election — citing reduced unemployment and inflation under his leadership

Goldberg and Behar’s comments appeared to be aimed at other Democratic candidates who have entered the race in recent weeks, including JFK’s cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr and self-help author Marianne Williamson.

To support her claim that Biden is the person who will lead the Democrats to victory again in 2024, Goldberg cited reduced unemployment and inflation under his leadership.

‘They said Joe [Biden] would break the economy, we have historically low unemployment and inflation has fallen from ten to five percent at its peak,” she said.

“They said voting machines stole an election – they didn’t. It didn’t,” she added.

“You know, he’s done a lot for the country. He brought us back from the abyss,” Goldberg said. “It’s not a perfect country, but it’s better than where we were.”

“But Democrats… the person who does the job does the job. Get behind him and we’ll have no problem. The minute you start to push through, “maybe this person, maybe this person,” we’re done. So make up your mind. Make a decision,” she added.

Behar said on Wednesday that Trump could not win with his current numbers and called Florida Governor DeSantis (pictured) a “loser and a bore”

Behar also commented on the Republican opposition, suggesting that there were no credible candidates on the GOP side. She claimed Trump couldn’t win with his current numbers and called DeSantis a “loser and a bore.”

‘What are they going to do there? Who do they have? Nobody,’ she said.

Co-host Sara Haines criticized a recent AI-generated video released by the Republican party after Biden announced he was running for re-election.

“That GOP ad was so disturbing,” Haines said.

Within minutes of Biden’s announcement on Tuesday, the Republican National Committee illustrated what it thought a second Biden term would look like.

“What if the weakest president we’ve ever had gets re-elected,” the attack ad asks before answering the question.

It then cuts to an image of a fighter plane in the sky, explosions in a strange city and a warship at sea.

Images of burning buildings and troops in the streets give way to protesters marching under the flag of the People’s Republic of China.

It showed apocalyptic boarded-up storefronts, last seen during widespread social justice protests early in his tenure, and what appears to be the empty shell of a bank, as elderly men and women line up as if they want their savings to withdraw.

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