The View co-hosts split on whether Meghan and Harry did Netflix doc ‘for the money’


Unsurprisingly, The View co-hosts clashed over their views regarding the final three episodes of Harry and Meghan’s much-talked-about Netflix docuseries, as one host latched on to the idea that the prince will regret it. of insulting his family so publicly for years to come.

Discussing the plight of the Sussexes as they escape England and work in real life, presenter Alyssa Farah Griffin said: “I think they’re going to regret airing family grievances too much.”

The final episodes of the show document Harry and Meghan’s glorious nuptials in Windsor before changing tune to tell their version of the ‘Megxit’ narrative, which included a plethora of accusations hurled at the current royals and the institution as a whole.

Harry spoke about a tense and “scary” meeting he had with his father, Prince William and the late Queen, during which they “yelled and yelled” at him as the late monarch sat passively and witnessed the abuse.

The dynamic panel of five debated the wisdom and response to the last three episodes of Harry and Meghan's Netflix docuseries.

The dynamic panel of five debated the wisdom and response to the last three episodes of Harry and Meghan’s Netflix docuseries.

Conservative presenter Alyssa Farah Griffin predicted that the couple will ultimately regret airing family discord so publicly.

Conservative presenter Alyssa Farah Griffin predicted that the couple will ultimately regret airing family discord so publicly.

After playing the clip on The View on Thursday, the dynamic panel of women continued the ongoing debate in the media about the wisdom of this docuseries.

Whoopi Goldberg, who remained mostly silent throughout the segment, asked if “putting this family breakup in the spotlight” is going to “help” or make things significantly worse.

Longtime presenter Behar questioned the wisdom of the Sussexes’ seemingly constant self-imposed media exposure, given Harry’s goal of protecting his own family from suffering a similar fate to his mother, Princess Diana.

“You’d think after his mom, his mom was basically a victim of the paparazzi and all the attention… he’d walk away from all of that,” she said.

Sara Haines defended the former royals’ decision, arguing, as they do, that they were trying to reclaim their narrative before Behar interrupted to add, “for a good, great 100 million.” [dollars].’

Host Sunny Hostin agreed that the entire effort, compiling hours of footage dating essentially from the second the couple started dating, was about “owning the narrative.”

Several of the hosts agreed that the couple were bullied by both members of the royal family and the media, although conservative presenter Alyssa Farah Griffin predicted that the couple will ultimately regret airing the family discord so publicly.

Farah bolstered her argument based on her personal family rifts, which have to do with her rejection of former President Donald Trump.

‘I am distanced from the people in my family. It is the most painful thing you can experience. Keep that within the family,” he said, adding that he regrets the times he has spoken about divisions in his own tribe.

“I think they are going to regret airing family grievances too much,” he said.

Presenter Sara Haines said she understood Harry and Meghan's desire to reclaim their own narrative after years of being ravaged by the press.

Presenter Sara Haines said she understood Harry and Meghan’s desire to reclaim their own narrative after years of being ravaged by the press.

Host Joy Behar couldn't divorce Harry and Meghan's desire to tell their own story of the huge check they received from Netflix.

Host Joy Behar couldn’t divorce Harry and Meghan’s desire to tell their own story of the huge check they received from Netflix.

Sunny Hostin was extremely sympathetic to the harassment Meghan received while in England, saying she doesn't think the couple were involved over the $100 million cash payment.

Sunny Hostin was extremely sympathetic to the harassment Meghan received while in England, saying she doesn’t think the couple were involved over the $100 million cash payment.

Haines added to the conversation that he believes it is the responsibility of King Carlos III as a father to make sure that his two sons finally resolve their issues with each other.

“I think King Charles needs to step up and help with those kids,” she said, adding that “if Diana was here I think she would have done it differently.”

Goldberg capped off the segment by noting that he hasn’t watched the show and, frankly, has no plans to.

“I have other things on my mind,” he said.

In the last three hours of the emotionally charged series, Harry and Meghan accused William and Kate of being jealous of Meghan’s fame, as well as failing to understand the couple’s ultimate quest for love and independence.

Netflix reportedly paid $100 million for the partnership with Harry and Meghan, with docuseries being the main result of that deal.

Though curiosity seems to be motivating some viewers, it’s unclear if the pair won over even a single fan with their narrative-rich look behind the curtain.

American media figures, several of whom have notably sided with the Sussexes, appeared on Thursday morning to begin weighing in on their understanding of the couple.

Even Gayle King, who appeared alongside Meghan and Harry when they received a recent award for speaking out against racism, called the show “dangerous.”

“Harry and Meghan said all along that they wanted to tell their story… but this sounds very risky,” she said. She previously attended Meghan’s baby shower, which was documented in the series.

Harry and Meghan in the last three episodes of their Netflix show, where they made new allegations against the royal family.

Harry and Meghan in the last three episodes of their Netflix show, where they made new allegations against the royal family.

The couple shared new photos and videos from their wedding and their private life.

The couple shared new photos and videos from their wedding and their private life.

TODAY show host Hoda Kotb made the astute observation that, despite the $100 million price tag, docuseries quickly dropped out of the top-watched slot for the streamer’s new show on Wednesday.

Fox columnist Lee Cohen predicted the show will cement Harry and Meghan’s legacy as the most hated royals in history, even more so as the famous palace abandons the Duke of Windsor and Wallis Simpson.

No media personality showed more disdain for the series than Howard Stern, who said the couple were behaving like “crying little bitches.”

Stern, on his radio show earlier in the week, said Harry has “sympathy” for the way he lost his mother.

‘But Jesus Christ, when those two start complaining about ‘wah wah wah, and they don’t like me’ and she wants to be loved in this country, but man, oh man, you know, it’s so weird to see two people keep yelling: “We wanted our privacy, we wanted the press to leave us alone,” he said.

‘And then what’s their special that they put on Netflix, showing you them and their kids and their life? It’s like the Kardashians but boring. You know what I want to say.’

He added that he had watched the show because his wife wanted to.