The UCI to review transgender guidelines after Austin Killips win

Cycling’s international governing body reopens review of their transgender guidelines after male-born Austin Killips won a US race to be named ‘Queen of the Mountains’

Cycling’s international governing body is set to review their transgender guidelines in the wake of the row over US cyclist Austin Killips.

The 27-year-old became the first trans woman to win an elite women’s stage race when she rode to victory at New Mexico’s Tour of the Gila on Sunday.

That sparked a new debate over the UCI’s participation policy, which currently allows trans women to participate in women’s events as long as they have reduced their testosterone levels to 2.5 nanomoles per liter over a two-year period.

The UCI has now announced they will reopen ‘consultations’ with athletes and the national federation on their rules, admitting they have heard ‘concerns about a level playing field for competitors’.

A decision will be made at a meeting in August about changing their policies — and possibly banning trans women from female events.

Austin Killips (above) became the first trans woman to win an elite women’s stage race at the Tour of the Gila in New Mexico last weekend

The UCI is now reviewing their transgender guidelines after initially defending their policy of allowing Killips to compete in women’s events

The UCI said in a statement: “The topic of the participation of transgender athletes in international competitions has been discussed at the meeting of the UCI governing committee.

The executive committee decided to analyze the current situation by reopening consultations with the athletes and national federations.

‘Members therefore agreed to debate and finally make a decision at the next meeting, in Glasgow, in August.

“The aim of the UCI remains the same: to take into account, in the context of the evolution of our society, the desire of transgender athletes to practice cycling.

“The UCI also hears the voices of female athletes and their concerns about a level playing field for competitors, and will take all elements into account, including the evolution of scientific knowledge.”

The UCI’s comments come just days after they actually defended their policies following Killips’ controversial victory.

British Cycling is also currently reviewing their rules.

An announcement is expected later this month that may block trans women from racing against women.

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