The two surprising psychological hacks that will make you relax INSTANTLY this holiday season

  • Nearly half of Americans report feeling more stressed during the holidays
  • Chewing gum and humming have been shown to quickly reduce stress levels
  • READ MORE: Do you feel stressed while eating? Research reveals what happens in the brain

With the holidays in full swing, cooking a holiday meal, wrapping gifts, and entertaining family can be stressful.

Recent studies have shown that nearly half of Americans are more stressed this time of year than at any other time.

However, experts have highlighted two surprising habits that can curb feelings of anxiety and stress almost immediately.

Chewing gum and humming trigger the release of relaxation hormones in the brain, according to a recent report from mental health experts at Cornell University.

The holidays are known for causing stress and anxiety, but experts say the next time you feel like screaming, humming or chewing, you’ll feel instantly calm

To write Psychology todaythe scientists outlined the growing body of evidence showing that these tricks can induce feelings of calm.

For example, a study was published in the journal Stress & Health found that nursing students who chewed gum at least 30 minutes a day for seven to 19 days had less depression, anxiety and stress than those who did not chew gum.

And a 2022 review of eight studies in the journal Frontiers in oral health concluded that chewing gum was “an inexpensive, well-tolerated, safe and effective way to relieve anxiety.”

As for humming, a systemic review in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine suggested that it lowers heart rate and blood pressure, which relieves stress.

And a small 2023 study published in Cureus found that humming for at least 15 minutes reduced stress more than physical activity and sleep in adults aged 18 to 60.

Both strategies are said to stimulate the vagus nerve, the main nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system – which tells us when there is a threat and when to relax.

It is responsible for digestion, heart rate, breathing, heart function and reflexes such as coughing, sneezing, swallowing and vomiting.

Stimulating the vagus nerve turns off the body’s fight-or-flight reflex by releasing brain hormones called oxytocin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), studies show.

This can even happen within just a few minutes of opening a stick of gum or humming along to holiday songs.

A study also found that mastication – the act of chewing – increases oxygen levels in the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s “personality center” and the hippocampus, which regulates stress hormones such as norepinephrine and cortisol.

However, avoid chewing gum for more than a few minutes each day.

Dr. Khaled Kasem, chief orthodontist and co-founder of Impress in Barcelona, ​​previously told that you should limit chewing to no more than 15 minutes a day to avoid jaw pain and tooth decay.

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