The terrifying ‘laziness virus’ has spread to humans, killing 19 people in Europe so far. Now experts are warning: ‘We need to be worried… this could be unstoppable.’

For the first time, a devastating virus originating from sloths and spread through insect bites, including midges and mosquitoes, has been reported in Europe.

According to the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC), the Oropouche virus has been identified in 19 people in the past two months.

Twelve were reported in Spain, five in Italy and two in Germany. There is no vaccine for the disease, which originated in white-throated sloths, non-human primates and birds.

Experts say the virus belongs to the same family of diseases as the Zika virus and dengue, both of which are potentially fatal.

Symptoms of Oropouche include headache, nausea, vomiting, and muscle and joint pain.

There is no vaccine for the disease, which originated in white-throated sloths, non-human primates and birds

Dr Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at Imperial College London, told The Telegraph: ‘We certainly should be concerned. Things are changing and may not be able to be stopped.’

According to the NHS Travax website, symptoms usually begin four to eight days after the bite. In severe cases, the disease can progress to meningitis.

Although potentially deadly, the ECDC said fatal outcomes are extremely rare and recovery from the disease is common. In most cases, symptoms disappear within four days.

Outbreaks of the virus have been reported so far in several countries in South America, Central America and the Caribbean.

In 2024, specific outbreaks have been recorded in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and more recently in Cuba.

Eighteen of the cases recorded in Europe reported having recently traveled to Cuba and one case in Italy had traveled to Brazil.

According to a report in the LancetOn July 25, two deaths from Oropouche were reported for the first time in Brazil. They were two young women who had no other underlying health conditions.

While the number of cases in Europe remains low, more than 8,000 cases have been recorded in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Cuba between January and mid-July this year.

Due to these high numbers, the ECDC has indicated that the risk of infection for EU citizens travelling to or staying in epidemic areas is currently assessed as moderate.

The European authority advises travellers to the affected areas to wear insect repellent and long-sleeved shirts and long trousers to reduce the risk of bites.