The secret to the King’s diet: A strong cocktail before dinner. But Camilla prefers red wine

The real secret to the king’s diet isn’t nuts and seeds – it’s a strong martini, stirred, not shaken. But Queen Camilla prefers a glass of red wine…

  • Charles keeps fit with a “flexitarian” regimen, long walks… and gin martinis
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  • Read more: Paul Feig once made a cocktail for King Charles while attending tea
  • King Charles famously starts his day with nuts and seeds. But there’s another essential part of his diet that comes a little later in the day: a strong cocktail.

    Royal commentator Gordon Rayner claims the king has a penchant for a martini that’s half gin and half dry vermouth, garnished with a twist of olive or lemon.

    And that this is taken every night before dinner.

    It has been suggested that the king even takes the ingredients with him when he travels abroad – along with his own glass.

    The King samples Hepple Gin during his visit to Moorland Spirit Company Ltd's Hepple Gin Distillery in Morpeth

    Stirred, not shaken: King Charles in good spirits as he tasted Hepple Gin during his visit to Moorland Spirit Company’s Morpeth Distillery in 2018

    Queen Camilla prefers to drink red wine.  Pictured: The Queen visiting a Chilean vineyard

    Queen Camilla prefers to drink red wine. Pictured: The Queen visiting a Chilean vineyard

    While Queen Camilla also brings her favorite tipple on holiday, she prefers her own supply of red wine, typically sourced from Bordeaux’s Pomerol appellation.

    The King’s martini should be served a certain way, according to Rayner.

    He told The Telegraph: “When he travels abroad he brings his own spirits to be mixed by his staff to his precise taste, while the Queen brings her own supply of red wine, usually from the Pomerol appellation of Bordeaux .

    “The king may have a glass of wine at dinner, but his martini is really his only drink of the day.”

    According to previous reports, His Majesty enjoys the drink stirred, not shaken.

    The 74-year-old king remains conscious of his health.

    During his stay at his Balmoral estate, his bodyguards would joke about whose turn it is to join the king on his “leisure walk” each day.

    The king's favorite drink is a martini, half gin and half dry vermouth, garnished with a twist of olive or lemon (stock image)

    The king’s favorite drink is a martini, half gin and half dry vermouth, garnished with a twist of olive or lemon (stock image)

    Raise a glass: King Charles and Queen Camilla with TV presenter Alan Titchmarsh in 2005

    Raise a glass: King Charles and Queen Camilla with TV presenter Alan Titchmarsh in 2005

    His daily exertions are far from ‘relaxed’ and involve an hour’s walk across hills and moors, making it a struggle to keep up even for half his age.

    The king, who is 5ft 10in tall, maintains a weight of 11st 5lbs, giving him a near perfect body mass index of 22.8, according to Mr. Rayner.

    While it may be hard to resist lavish banquets during his royal duties, Charles adheres to a flexitarian diet that avoids meat and fish two days a week. On a third day, he will avoid dairy products.