The Rise of Charter Schools: Why Families Are Choosing This Option

One of the biggest decisions a parent can make for their child is their education and where they send them to school. Ensuring you set your child off on the right path plays a huge role in preparing them for their future and life post-education. While there is never a right or wrong answer, choosing a school should always be something you take into deep consideration, especially when considering your values and that of the school. In recent years, charter schools, such as Legacy College Prep, have remained a popular public option even as families explore other forms of school choice. 

Like a traditional public school, a charter school is tuition-free and funded by taxpayers. It is staffed by certified teachers and held accountable to state and national standards. It is also open to any student who wishes to enroll. However, unlike traditional public schools, which must adhere to standards set by a school district or state board of education, a charter school has flexibility regarding curriculum and other aspects of how they run the school.

Data from early June this year has confirmed that in the last ten years alone, enrollment in charter schools has risen from about 2.1 million students in fall 2011 to nearly 3.7 million in fall 2021, an increase from 4% to 7% of total enrollment. In New York alone, enrollees have almost tripled over the past ten years, with 60,342 students enrolling in 2011 and 173,341 for the school year of 2021 – 2022. 

From 2022 to 2023, charter school enrollment grew by 2% in the most recent school year, while district school enrollment remained flat. In practical terms, this means charter school enrollment increased by 72,241 students (or 2.02%) while district public school enrollment increased by only 7,458 students (or 0.02%) nationwide. Looking at raw numbers, charter schools enrolled nearly 10 times the number of new students as district schools in the last school year. This represents meaningful growth for charter schools, especially considering these unique public schools only serve 7.5% of the nation’s students. 

What Makes Charter Schools Different

With the rise of charter school enrollment, one may wonder what makes it different from a traditional public school. As they are both government-funded and held accountable to state and national standards, what makes charter schools so unique that parents choose this option?

  • Smaller Class Size

One reason families choose charter schools over public schools is due to the smaller class size. Traditional public schools tend to be larger than the other types. For instance, 39% of public schools enroll 500 or more students, compared with 32% of charter schools. While 31% of public schools have fewer than 300 students, 44% of charter schools do. It is a known fact that the bigger the classroom size, the less attention each individual student will receive. This can lead those who need the extra teaching support to not receive it to the standard that a smaller classroom size could offer. 

  • Innovation and Flexibility

Charter schools are free to try new educational approaches to better serve students. In contrast, traditional public schools must follow district policies and union rules, which restrict principals’ staffing decisions. Due to the flexibility allowed in Charter schools, students can enjoy cutting-edge programs, curricula, and teaching methods that better meet their individual needs.

  • Parental Choice and Access

Public school districts guarantee a student’s place based on their address, restricting parents from enrolling their children in another school outside their zone. The advantage of a charter school is that it’s open to all students regardless of location. However, it’s good to note that they may have admission lotteries if demand exceeds space. Parents will also find themselves in the driving seat, allowing them more choices when it comes to enrolling their children in a school that better fits their children’s needs and learning styles.

Legacy College Prep – Sets an Example for Excellence 

Legacy College Prep, a popular charter school in the Bronx, New York, is seeing outstanding results. Their latest achievement was a 100% college acceptance rate for the first graduating class this year. The school’s vision and mission have successfully become a reality for its students, who are now equipped for success after high school. Research identifies teacher quality as the most significant factor within a school for predicting a student’s academic success. At Legacy College Prep, they take great pride in their exceptional teachers, who play a crucial role in ensuring the success of every student.

Driven by its mission and culture of PRIDE (Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Engagement), the school not only provides a safe space for children to learn but also has a proactive relationship with the students’ families and is enriched with mission-aligned activities, trips, clubs, and community service. Above all, they factor in each child’s needs to ensure they excel to the highest level while building their confidence. The school’s rigorous curriculum, enrichment opportunities, and cultural approach ensure they cater to the whole scholar while giving each individual a strong foundation to start building their path towards a bigger and brighter future.

If you’re intrigued by charter schools and want to understand why Legacy College Prep is becoming such a popular option, visit their website and get in touch. 
