The REAL reason you crave sweet foods after dinner…and what you can do to beat the urge

It’s a common pattern: A few hours after dinner, you go back to the kitchen for a bowl of ice cream or a piece of chocolate.

While the habit may seem harmless, these foods can be packed with sugar, fat, calories and harmful additives, such as high-fructose corn sugar, which has been linked to obesity and other conditions.

Experts told that there could be several reasons for these cravings, such as nutritional deficiencies, an unbalanced diet, stress and certain brain chemicals.

Hunger and fullness are determined by the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which signal to the brain when it is time to start or stop eating. However, a craving for food can override these signals.

Sweet foods activate the brain’s reward system, which causes a flood of dopamine and serotonin, chemicals that regulate mood and signal pleasure

Rachael Richardson, dietitian and founder of Nutrolution, told that certain diets could be to blame. For example, a hallmark of the keto diet is drastically limiting carbohydrates. Without these, you may crave sweets that are high in carbohydrates, such as candy and sugar.

“People on a keto diet may want something sweet to meet those nutritional needs,” she said.

Not getting enough nutrients, such as carbohydrates, can also lead to low blood sugar levels, leading to increased cravings for sugary snacks.

Taste buds become accustomed to savory foods, leaving us craving something sweeter

Ms Richardson also said that reaching for sweets straight after eating could indicate deficiencies in vitamins such as zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium.

For example, magnesium helps regulate insulin production, keeping blood sugar levels stable. Without enough magnesium, blood sugar levels can drop, leading to dessert cravings.

Another reason may be sensory-specific satiety (SSS), also known as “dessert stomach.”

SSS is when eating a specific food becomes less enjoyable because it makes you full and uncomfortable. However, eating other foods that you might not encounter as often, such as sweets or cake, are not as associated with that uncomfortable feeling of fullness, making you more likely to want to eat more.

Taste buds also get used to meals that are consumed regularly, but the variety of desserts makes you more willing to eat.

You may also crave sweets because they release feel-good chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine.

Sweet foods activate the brain’s reward system, called the mesolimbic dopamine system, which causes neurons to release a flood of dopamine. This tells the brain that the experience was positive, reinforcing that behavior.

Allyson Brigham, a dietitian at Los Robles Regional Hospital in California, says: ‘Certain brain chemicals, such as serotonin, are linked to mood. Sweets can trigger the release of serotonin, which can make you feel happier and more relaxed,” Brigham said.

‘This may explain why people ultimately use sweets as a reward or comfort.’

Eating sugar repeatedly at the end of the day can cause the brain to build up a tolerance and need even more sweets to get that same dopamine and serotonin hit.

‘Over time, eating something sweet after dinner can become a habitual behavior. Your brain forms associations and your body begins to expect this sweet treat as part of your evening routine,” Ms. Brigham said.

Stress and emotional distress can also lead to dessert cravings, as getting more serotonin can improve mood and ease feelings of anxiety or depression.

Getting more food variety while eating could suppress these cravings.

“Make sure your dinner includes a balance of protein, fiber and healthy fats to promote satiety and reduce post-meal cravings.” said Mrs. Brigham.

Ms. Richardson also recommended swapping candy or ice cream for sweet fruits, such as berries, mixed with Greek yogurt or almond butter. These foods contain some sugar, but are also packed with protein and fiber, which will keep you feeling full for longer.

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