The real endgame of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is taking hundreds of photos

You know that uncle who hovers around all the kids and takes pictures during the family party? Well, I guess I’ve become that person Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

The latest Final Fantasy has a photo mode where you can capture moments as you play, and it’s become a big part of the way I play the game. When Square Enix released the original Final fantasy 7 in 1997, players were presented with characters via chunky polygonal models. But now, Rebirth portrays its characters with a stunning level of hyper-realism. Cloud Strife and the rest of his friends have reached Limit Break levels of beauty, and even mundane moments while walking between cities can be ripe for a fun movie. As a result, I spent the entire game putting on my photographer hat and collecting hundreds of screenshots – maybe even a thousand.

I just can’t resist. Every member of the main group looks absolutely gorgeous, no matter how much evil looms. A single cutscene might show a flicker of magical energy, reflected as a sparkle in Aerith’s eyes, or a moment when the fur of Cait Sith’s moogle looks so soft you can touch it. It’s as if the developers designed these moments to be a feast for the eyes and to entice you to take a screenshot. The gang can wander through the desert, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll still be treated to a moment where I’ll see Cait posing perfectly with his paws outstretched against the big blue sky – and I’ll spam the screenshot button in response.

For me, having these moments that I loved and wanted to capture really changed the experience of playing the game. Sometimes I was afraid that I was acting a bit like someone who just records everything on their phone during a concert. I found myself entering the pause menu to take photos almost constantly, and this could interrupt the flow of whatever was happening. Still, I enjoyed playing photographer for Cloud and his friends, and it made my time with the game worthwhile.

I had quite a few complaints while playing. Whether it was Chadley’s incessant chatter or the endless mini-games, Rebirth frustrated me at several points. However, taking photos helped make it a meaningful experience. This isn’t just because it’s fun to gawk at how beautiful they are. Taking so many screenshots allowed me to notice the cute character moments that the different group members share. It might just be a single detail – like Cid helping Cait off an edge, or Yuffie hiding behind Aerith – but it helped me build a sense of appreciation for the game’s world. So, without further ado, I’ll share a few.

(Ed. remark: We’ve tried to avoid blatant plot spoilers in the screenshots, but these images show moments from each point in the game. You’ll see images of Vincent, Cait, and other late game moments.)