The Project host Carrie Bickmore reacts to cleaning hack of toilet brush in the dishwasher


Carrie Bickmore was disgusted by the most disgusting cleaning trick ever after hearing some people wash their toilet brushes in the dishwasher: ‘No!’

  • Woman sparked discussion after saying she washes toilet brush in dishwasher
  • The anonymous woman shared her post on Mumsnet to ask for the opinion of others
  • She revealed that her friend discovered her washing habit and criticized her
  • Project’s Carrie Bickmore was nauseous after discussing the cleaning ‘hack’

Carrie Bickmore has revealed that she will definitely not follow the advice of a woman who washes her toilet brush in the dishwasher because “it’s like new again.”

The anonymous woman, believed to live in the UK, made the confession in a post on the parenting forum mumsnet.

The project’s host said on Tuesday night on the show that she suspected the woman “just never wants to visit again… Once you do, no one ever comes around again.”

“Not to mention that nothing is ever completely clean once it’s been put in the dishwasher,” she added, who seemed nauseous after discussing the cleaning “hack.”

Co-host Tommy Little said he just “splashed out” and would buy a new one.

Carrie Bickmore (pictured) said she definitely wouldn’t follow the ‘cleaning hack’

One woman said she washed her toilet brush in the dishwasher every few months

The anonymous woman’s post read, “I clean my toilet brush in the dishwasher every few months.

‘I just put the brush and holder in, on a warm wash and they come out like new again.

“This morning a friend came over for coffee, and I opened the dishwasher to get out a few mugs, forgetting I put the toiletries in last night.

‘She freaked out and said this was totally disgusting, and washed the mugs I had taken out of the cupboard again AND poured boiling water on them before allowing me to make her coffee!!

‘Was my friend unreasonable? The mugs and toilet bush were washed in separate loads!’

According to the anonymous poster from the UK, a friend ‘paniced’ when he realized the toilet brush had been in the dishwasher

The vast majority of respondents felt that washing a toilet brush is unsanitary, with one simply describing the post as “utterly shabby.”

Another wrote: ‘That’s absolutely disgusting.’

And a third added, “I’m here with your friend. How on earth can you even think about putting a toilet brush and holder in your dishwasher.”

Meanwhile, a fourth commented: ‘Did you know that the first rinse in the dishwasher is recycled water? So you wash your pots in the shit.’

Some respondents criticized the poster, labeling it “disgusting” and “lazy” for the habit, which they called “total rank.”

However, some agreed with the poster and said it was fine to put utensils such as toilet brushes in the dishwasher.

One wrote: ‘It is good. My ex-partner did that too. We’re both still alive. And still friends.

‘You can always make me a cup of tea. I’ve been making my own tea all my life.’

Another added: ‘If your dishwasher gets hot enough I don’t see a problem with it from a hygienic point of view, although I can understand it makes people squeamish.

“(If this had really happened) I would have laughed and told you how shocked Mamasnet would be, drinking my tea.

A small minority of respondents felt that washing a toilet brush in the dishwasher is acceptable, with one even saying it is hygienic

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