The power of vishing: Why it’s effective and how to avoid falling victim

Watch out ChatGPT is being used to create malware

Thanks to the efforts of employers and banks, most of us are familiar with the term phishing. We know that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. We have completed training and received alert emails from our employers, banks and other organizations we regularly work with to be aware of cyber scam attempts. and read emails and messages with a critical eye.

However, cybercriminals never rest – and as long as there is someone who could potentially be victimized, they will continue their efforts. Vishing – which has the same objectives as phishing – uses voice-altering software, phone calls and social engineering to trick users into revealing sensitive information. Many organizations train employees to recognize phishing emails, but fewer organizations raise awareness about vishing phone scams. And in a world where more and more of our daily communication takes place via written messages rather than phone calls, vishing attempts use the skills of an experienced person. fraudster to manipulate and socially manipulate a victim.

Simon McNally

Identity and access management expert at Thales.

Anatomy of a scam