The photo of Hunter’s laptop shows a taped-up cardboard box labeled “Important Documents and Photos.”


A box labeled “Important Doc’s + Photos,” unsealed, has been pictured on a table at President Joe Biden’s home in Delaware.

The photo shows family photos placed on the dining table with chairs before a gathering, along with a white cardboard box with brown packing tape.

On the cover, in black marker, is scrawled “Important Doc’s + Photos”.

The box was open and ajar in the photo believed to have been taken by Hunter Biden and found on his laptop, as reported by the new york post officewhich also revealed how he made more than 160 trips to the house over a 52-day period.

A box labeled ‘Important Doc’s + Photos’ appears to have been left unsealed on a table at President Joe Biden’s Delaware home.

It was during this time that he was allegedly involved in controversial deals with a Chinese energy conglomerate.

The house also contained evidence of Hunter’s drug and alcohol addictions along with text messages between him and his mother, First Lady Jill Biden.

The discovery of the classified documents has caused controversy, but President Biden has stated that “a bunch of documents were filed in the wrong place” and that “I think they’re going to find there’s nothing there.” I have no excuses. I follow what the lawyers have told me they want me to do.

Hunter Biden recommended Cathy Chung to be his father’s administrative assistant and helped oversee the packing up and moving of Biden’s file. There is no indication that she was aware of any classified documents.

This latest photo adds another layer to the confusing classified documents debacle in which the files ended up inside a locked cabinet at the Penn Biden Center, where they were discovered in November 2022 along with another stash in the home’s garage. Biden in Delaware.

Last week, Biden insisted that his garage was a safe place in an exchange with a reporter.

Classified materials next to your Corvette? What were you thinking?’ Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked Biden.

‘My Corvette is in a locked garage, okay? So it’s not like they’re sitting on the street,” Biden responded.

“So it was in a locked garage?” Doocy insisted.

“Yes, just like my Corvette,” Biden said.

People involved in the process include former Biden staffers, staff from the General Services Administration, and staff from the think tank, an entity that would later have roles for senior advisers who remain in Biden’s orbit, including the now Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who served as the center’s CEO.

The woman who oversaw the packing and mailing of Biden’s documents in 2017 was former administrative assistant Kathy Chung, who secured the position with a well-placed recommendation from Hunter Biden, who touted her abilities to her father.

Hunter Biden recommended it. They had worked together at the Commerce Department years ago,” the person said. Hunter notified her of the opportunity, asked if she was interested, and found that she was.

“He told his father about her,” the person said. So did former Delaware Sen. Ted Kaufman, a longtime Biden associate who is among a trio of Democratic senators he had worked for in the past.

Hunter Biden spent a stint at the agency under Secretary William Daley at the end of the Clinton administration from 1998 to 2001, following a job at a bank early in a career in law and lobbying.

Then, as now, he had his father’s ear on a variety of matters.

Photos like this one of Hunter Biden were found on the same laptop as the emails just before the 2020 presidential election.

A Biden attorney discovered documents marked “classified” while cleaning out Biden’s former office at the Penn Biden Center near the Capitol. The discovery would trigger the events that led to the appointment of a special prosecutor.

Chung was the first person to be publicly identified in a meeting with federal investigators on the matter. She spoke with US Attorney John Lausch’s office before Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed special counsel Robert Hur to oversee the document investigation.

Officials working with Biden at the time and who remain associated with him are senior advisers Steve Richetti and Kate Bedingfield, and senior adviser Mike Donilon.

The former aide helped oversee the packing of the files during the hectic end of Biden’s second term as vice president. That was a moment that saw a flurry of activity from Biden himself, even in his final days in office. He was required to keep his office running even while things were being put away for his safekeeping.

There is no indication that Chung knew that the boxes of documents also included documents marked as classified that Biden’s attorney, Patrick Moore, discovered while cleaning out Biden’s former DC office in November.

At least some documents were found in Biden’s garage at his Wilmington, Delaware, home. Biden’s sons Beau and Hunter rebuilt the car for him

“She helped pack up the contents of the vice president’s office, including documents, and was responsible for them being transferred to the transition office,” said the person, who said Chung had “responsibility” for the move. “She just didn’t know the contents of each box that was being moved.”

Mixed in with what have been reported to be 10 government documents, some marked “top secret,” were the contents of desks and cabinets from Biden’s former office, documents related to the funeral of late son Beau Biden, and a document related to repairs. at home at Biden’s. Wilmington House – A site revealed to contain additional classified material.

The GSA has previously confirmed that the Biden team left its transition office in July 2017, which is when the documents began the next leg of their journey, heading southeast through the city. The Penn Biden Center did not respond to a request for comment on exactly how long the boxes of material remained at the Chinatown location and who had access to them.

The discovery of the documents has presented an immediate political problem for Biden, who said Thursday he has “no regrets” about the situation and scolded reporters for asking him about it as he toured the devastation in California.

‘There is no there there,’ he said. In addition to the special counsel, House Republican investigators have already begun submitting information requests.

Hunter Biden’s role was previously identified in emails found on his infamous laptop.

“Thank you for calling and thinking of me,” Chung wrote to Hunter in May 2012, according to foxnewsafter being proposed for the position when his predecessor Michelle Smith was leaving.

‘After the initial shock of taking in what you said… How could I pass up the opportunity to work for the Vice President of the United States?!’

As reported earlier this week, a newly surfaced photo of the laptop appears to show the president’s son driving the classic Corvette Stingray out of the same Wilmington home where the car and documents marked “classified” were stored. .

At the White House on Friday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre again insisted that Biden and his team were cooperating with investigators, after alerting the National Archives following the discovery of classified material.

Again, he declined to comment further, including to specify what Biden meant when he said he had no regrets and referred the matters to the Justice Department.

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