Blizzard has announced the third Overlook 2 X One Punch Man collaboration skin, and frankly, Kiriko has never looked better.
As part of Overlook 2 Season 3’s calendar sees the game get its first pop culture collaboration with manga and anime sensation One Punch Man. We already know the Saitama skin from Doomfist and the Mumen Rider skin from Soldier 76, but now we know a third.
Xbox thread (opens in new tab) reported the latest skin available to fans as part of the collaboration; Kiriko’s Terrible Tornado Cosplay. This skin will storm Overlook 2 as part of a bundle from March 7 to April 6, available for 2,100 coins $21 / £17.52 / AUS$31.08.
To decorate
Not only are these skins great fan service for those who play the game and watch the anime, but they are also a little peek into the Overwatch 2 the personal life of heroes and a weird part of the lore, which I didn’t expect to see.
“Our heroes are basically aware of the anime and are also fans. And they cosplay as the heroes.” Overlook 2 said art director Dion Rogers in an interview with Xbox Wire. “If you see Doomfist wearing the Saitama outfit, he’s a fan too.”
This opens up a new world of possibilities now that Soldier 76, Doomfist and Kiriko are now canonical fans of One Punch Man. What if Reaper is a fan of Sailor Moon? Or maybe Winston is watching Bridgerton between missions? Regardless of what our heroes do in their spare time, this collaboration means we’re finally getting to know more about them beyond the battlefield.
More to come?
Now Overlook 2 has a seasonal cadence; we should expect further collaborations that tie in with the seasonal theme or add another layer. “We definitely want to do more collaborations over time, but with the right opportunity [because] it took us a long time to get here,” Rodgers said.
Hopefully that means fans of the game will one day see their favorite pop culture reference land in the lap of the world Overlook 2. I, for one, wait for one Bleach crosswalk.
But we may not have to wait too long for more collabs, some ideas are already in the works. “Dragon Ball – that’s one of them. Actually, Street Fighter, I would like to combine it with Street Fighter at some point,” said Rogers. Good, Overlook 2 it looks like it’s here to stay, so with all the time on our hands, there’s no reason we can’t have both.