The Oscar-shortlisted short film Anuja is coming to Netflix, and the sneak peak has me even more excited about the Oscar nominations

In the run-up to the 2025 Oscars, Netflix has acquired the streaming rights Anujashortlisted for the Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film, which the platform announced by dropping a sneak peak video (see below). With awards season in full swing, I’m slowly checking off all the possible nominees on my watchlist in time for the awards ceremony on March 2, and Netflix has made my job a lot easier — which is why it remains one of the best streaming services.

ANUJA | Sneak peek | Netflix YouTube


Premiered at the HollyShorts Film Festival in August last year, Anuja Set in Delhi, India, it follows the life-changing journey of the nine-year-old title character, played by Sajda Pathan, who works in a garment factory with her older sister. When the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go to school arises, Anuja must make a big decision that could affect her sister’s fate as well as her own. While we don’t know exactly when Anuja will be released on Netflix, the sneak peak clip promises an inspiring story of resilience and determination – and I can’t wait to add it to my Netflix list.