The NHS GP who heads the British wing of the recently banned Islamist terror group Hizb ut-Tahrir has been suspended

A GP who heads the British wing of a now banned Islamic terror group has been suspended, it can be revealed today.

Abdul Wahid was exposed by the Mail last year for practicing as a doctor under his real name, Dr Wahid Shaida, for more than 20 years.

As head of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Britain, he was shamed gloating over the October 7 atrocities committed by Hamas, which massacred more than 1,400 Israelis in a series of surprise attacks.

In the aftermath of the attack, Dr. Shaida the Hamas terrorists as ‘brave mujahideen’ who gave the enemy ‘a very welcome blow on the nose’.

He also told a cheering crowd at a pro-Palestine rally outside the Egyptian embassy in London: “Victory is coming and everyone must choose a side. Whose side are you going to be on?’

Dr. Wahid Asif Shaida, also known as Abdul Wahid, is the head of the British branch of an Islamic fundamentalist group with followers around the world. He is pictured here at a meeting outside the Egyptian embassy in London in October last year

Dr. Shaida worked as a general practitioner under his real name for more than 20 years, and few realized he was supporting an extremist Islamist group.

Dr. Wahid Shaida previously worked as a doctor at GP Direct in Harrow but has now been suspended from treating NHS patients and removed from the practice’s website

NHS London, the regional branch of the NHS for the capital, today confirmed he had been suspended from the NHS approved list.

A spokesperson told MailOnline: ‘We take all issues relating to professional conduct seriously and have procedures in place to ensure individuals are suitable to work in the NHS.

‘We can confirm that Dr Wahid Shaida has been suspended from the NHS list of primary care providers.’

Dr. Shaida has worked in the GP Direct practice in the north-west London borough of Harrow since 2002.

However, he is no longer listed on the operation’s website.

Dr Shaida, who lives in an £850,000 semi-detached house a short walk from the same practice, was previously described as having an interest in training future medics.

The website stated: ‘His special interests are in the field of medical education. He is a general practitioner trainer for newly graduated doctors.

Despite being suspended, Dr. Shaida, who graduated from medical school in 1991, has no technical restrictions on private work.

Britain’s medical regulator the General Medical Council (GMC), which has the power to suspend or expel doctors in Britain, has included him on its register as ‘registered with a license to practice’.

This means that he is a fully qualified doctor in every respect, with no problems with his work in the eyes of the GMC.

So said the GMC: ‘We can only confirm the publicly available information about individual doctors as it appears in the medical register.

‘Dr. Shaida is registered with a license to practice.”

This is despite the fact that the GMC has received a number of complaints from members of the public about whether Dr. Shaida would be able to properly treat Jewish and homosexual patients, as his organization has a track record of anti-Semitism and homophobia.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is an international group committed to creating an Islamic ‘caliphate’ governed by Sharia law.

It is banned in several Arab and Asian countries, as well as Germany.

The UK ban was finally implemented last week after MPs backed plans to make it a criminal offense to belong to HT or publicly express support for it.

Tony Blair first pledged to ban the group in the wake of the 7/7 bombings in London in 2005. David Cameron also pledged in 2010 to ban the group, which he described as a “conveyor belt to terrorism.”

A new review was ordered last year by ex-Interior Minister Suella Braverman, following the group’s response to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks on Israel.

After Hamas gunmen carried out their murderous attacks, the Facebook page of Wahid’s Hizb ut-Tahrir group hailed that the atrocity had “caused a wave of joy and elation among Muslims worldwide.”

Hizb ut-Tahrir sparked further outrage in the weeks that followed at a rally last year when members chanted “jihad” at a rally outside the Egyptian and Turkish embassies in London and called for “Muslim armies” to attack Israel.

During this meeting, a senior member of the group asked supporters, “What is the solution to free people in the Palestine concentration camp?”

They sang back: ‘Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!’

Ms. Braverman criticized the police for not arresting the men.

But Met chief Sir Mark Rowley insisted no crime had been committed because ‘jihad’ had meanings other than calling for holy war.

Dr. Shaida has previously denied that his HT group is “extremist”, adding that the word has no agreed meaning and is used as a “pejorative term”.

He also said: “I perform my professional duties and obligations with dedication and strive to provide the best care for my patients at all times. For reasons of professional honesty, I maintain a very clear boundary between my professional and political life.”

Dr. Shaida said his group called on the Muslim world to intervene militarily to save the people of Gaza “who have been subjected to horrific conditions for 16 years.”

He sparked further outrage in December when, during a heated debate with Piers Morgan on his TalkTV program Uncensored, Dr Shaida refused to acknowledge that Hamas had indiscriminately slaughtered civilians – calling them a ‘resistance organisation’.

“(What happened on October 7) was resisted,” he said.

‘Resistance is a right in Islam, it is a right in international law, a right that Churchill said in his History of the English-Speaking Peoples, he wrote in that book that it is a primary right of people to kill and to die for the country they have. living in.’

He then tried to describe the massacre of civilians on October 7 as “terrible,” if “it had happened,” before acknowledging that they had been killed by people he described as “resistance to the occupation.’

He added, “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter,” but this prompted Morgan’s curt response, “Bull****.”

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