The next champion of League of Legends is Aurora, a ghost-walking bunny girl

The League of Legends The selection is vast and diverse, including everything from a friendly boy scout badger to apocalyptic, world-ending threats. The newest champion looks friendly and approachable, but she also interacts with primordial spirits and ancient demigods. Meet Aurora, the witch between worlds. Aurora is a mage who can play in both mid and solo lanes, and her abilities are determined by her vision of both the material realm and the spirit world.

Aurora is a vastayan, a vast culture of animal-like people spread across Runeterra. She’s a bunny girl, complete with a big fluffy tail and long legs. She comes from the Freljord and has connections to Ornn, Anivia, Volibear and Udyr. Despite this, Aurora is not invested in the great three-way war taking place in most of the Freljord between the Avarosans, the Winter’s Claw and the Frostguard. She is much more focused on her own spiritual journey.

Interestingly, Aurora is also on the autism spectrum; her unique way of looking at the world goes beyond just spiritual power. This is part of a larger effort by Riot to increase representation in the champion roster and allow for a greater variety of characters, along with the addition of champions like Nilah, Renata Glasc, and K’Sante.

Riot has released information about Aurora’s gear, which focuses on mobility, trickery, and ranged damage.

Passive – Abjuration of the spirit

If Aurora damages an enemy three times with her spells and attacks, she will deal magical damage and exorcise a spirit, putting her into Spirit Mode and gaining movement speed and boosting her healing for 3 seconds. For each additional spirit Aurora follows, Spirit Mode bonuses increase by 5%.

Q – Double hexagon

Fire a blast of cursed energy in a specific direction, dealing magical damage to affected enemies and marking them with spiritual energy.

Recast: End the curse, draw the spiritual energy back to itself and deal magic with passing enemies.

W — Over the Veil

Jump in one direction. When you land, you enter the spirit realm, turning invisible and entering Spirit Mode for a few seconds.

Takedowns on enemy champions reset the cooldown of this ability.

E – The strange

Send out a blast of spirit magic that deals magical damage to an area and slows it down. Aurora jumps back slightly while throwing.

R — Between worlds

Emit a pulse of spiritual energy that deals magical damage and slows enemies. The area merges with the spirit realm, giving Aurora a powerful spirit mode and allowing her to travel from one end of the area to the other. Enemies attempting to cross the threshold take magical damage, are slowed, and are pushed back to the center of the area.

Aurora will appear in Patch 14.14, which is scheduled for July 17. The champion was originally teased in the League of Legends client, with a story that allowed the player to see Aurora meet the demigod Ornn.

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