The new Dragon Ball anime shows off a lot of Goku, the best Goku

If you’re feeling a little lighter this morning, a spring in your step, and a song in your heart, I think I know the reason why: There’s a new Dragon Ball anime coming this year, and now you can see a little bit more of it .

First announced at New York Comic Con 2023, Dragon Ball Daima is a new anime series where the Dragon Ball cast becomes little kid versions of themselves for a grand adventure in a new world. The creative team hasn’t said much more about it; the mystery is a big part of the hook here. Not that a big reveal is really needed: the Dragon Ball franchise started as an action comedy about a young Son Goku and friends, and it’s really cool to see it become something like that again.

Like a lot of Dragon Ball marketing, the latest trailer for Daima It’s mostly just footage of Goku, but it’s also our first look at the series’ action approach, and I love it. Son Goku beats up the alien’s ass with his Power Pole while trying to eat from a table full of food? That’s Dragon Ball for me.