In the eight months since its release, the Meta Quest 3 has remained one of the best VR headsets for most users. Between the Apple Vision Pro models a lot of higher price and Sony’s possible discontinuation of the PlayStation VR 2There are few other options that feel as stable and easy to use as the latest Quest headset, which works as both a standalone device and a peripheral for Steam VR games.
In preparation for Prime Day, the Meta Quest 3 for sale at walmart And at Amazon for one of the lowest prices we’ve seen yet, at $429.99 for the 128GB model. That’s 14% off the regular price of $499.99 – and you can use the extra money to buy a handful of games, like Keep talking and no one explodes (a favorite party game), well reviewed last year Asgard’s Wrath 2or the personal choice of this Anglophile writer, Taskmaster VR.
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