The Meg 2 looks incredible, the trailer has a megalodon eat a T-Rex

Few things go together better than summer movies and giant sharks. That’s why we should all be thankful that megalodons are returning to the cinema with The Meg 2: The Geul. The first trailer for action blockbuster starring Jason Statham was released Monday and already features all sorts of ridiculous action, including a megalodon taking on its similarly prehistoric cousin, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The film, which is a direct sequel to the one from 2018 The Mega, brings back Jonas Taylor of Statham, a professional underwater rescuer and shark stinger, to face the horrors of the deep once again. This time, however, the megs are hunting in packs, battling giant squid, and the entire beach is in danger. But Statham is even more prepared with all the meg fighting knowledge he picked up from the first film.

While moviegoers may remember The Mega somewhat mockingly, it’s a bit underrated at the moment and a pretty fun giant monster movie anchored perfectly by Statham’s endless wells of charm. What makes The Mega 2 so special, however, is a change in who directs it: Ben Wheatley, who replaces National treasure director Jon Turtletaub from the first film.

Wheatley is an especially odd choice for a film like this, as he’s mostly done smaller indie action and horror films so far in his career, such as Kill list And Tourists. From the trailer it looks like he has a vision for it The Mega 2 and an exceptional understanding of how cool a giant prehistoric shark can be. That coupled with his usual stylistic flair should make it The Mega 2 something special — even more special than an ordinary movie about megalodons already is, of course.

Everything of The Mega 2Dino on Dino Action hits theaters August 4.