The leak of PS5 Pro specs suggests a substantial mid-generation jump

Alleged PlayStation 5 Pro specs have been leaked online, hinting at a significant leap in power offered by Sony’s as-yet unconfirmed mid-generation console.

A recent YouTube video from Moore’s law is dead revealed details about Sony’s PS5 Pro – or ‘Trinity’ as it’s called internally – covering a range of specs and details about the new machine from an internal presentation document.

Some details point to particularly interesting and exciting performance improvements, with one comment on the presentation summarizing the machine’s capabilities: “When PlayStation 5 titles run on Trinity, they can support higher resolution and frame rate.”

The documents state that the PS5 Pro will be “approximately 45% faster than the standard PlayStation 5” in terms of rendering power, while ray tracing will get a massive boost of two to four times that of the standard PS5. Details are also included that point to a console GPU offering 33.5 teraflops of power – the standard PS5 has 10.28 teraflops. This is a huge leap and represents something we could see generation after generation rather than something incremental like we saw with the previous generation PS4 Pro.

Elsewhere, numbers aside, there’s also something called “PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution” mentioned in the document, reportedly Sony’s own upscaling technology, as well as “custom machine learning architecture” and “PlayStation machine learning” that could see ” support for resolutions up to 8K”.

The information and reports have now been confirmed by Insider gamingAnd IGN also understands that the leaks are legitimate, with both claiming that the leaks come from Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) Developer Network.

Of course, since nothing has been officially confirmed, these things should not simply be taken as gospel truth. However, if a PS5 Pro console can even come close to these kinds of leaps in performance when it launches in late 2024, as rumors suggest, then this will be a significant change for a mid-generation refresh.

With numbers like these, it’s hard not to be excited about what this could mean for the next phase in gaming consoles.

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