The latest update to Kerbal Space Program 2 launches the number of players into orbit

The latest update for Kerbal Space Program 2 launched on Tuesday, providing some much-needed Delta-V to a game that's struggling to break ground. After the update is KSP2 saw a whopping 1,700% increase in player counts on Steam as fans rushed to get the “For Science!” update. Although it has already received a number of bug fixes and other tweaks, “For Science!” represents the first substantial content update for KSP2 since its launch in February.

The main addition to the aptly named update is a new exploration game mode, with missions and an expanded technology tree, similar to what we saw in the original. Kerbal Space Program. These additions do not make alone KSP2 feels like a more complete game, but offers more stepping stones for anyone who might otherwise feel intimidated jumping face-first into the inky void of space. Your initial parts catalog is limited, but as you perform more experiments and slowly loosen the surly bonds of gravity, more possibilities open up to the player.

Image: Private department

The exploration game mode also gives access to mission control, giving players a series of increasingly difficult milestones to guide them on their journey. While there is still no penalty for failure, the addition of objectives and unlockables has provided a way to keep you engaged beyond your initial curiosity. Something KSP2 urgently needed to follow the first steps towards early access.

Image: Private department

If you hear the “For Science!” update, which you can pick up a copy of KSP2 for $39.99 starting Steam until January 4 or at Epic for $25.11 through January 10.

Kerbal Space Program 2

Prices taken at time of publication.

If you've spent way too much time designing your own ship Starfieldyou might want to take a look Kerbal Space Program 2. Although the game is still in early access, it already offers an astonishing number of components with which you can build your own extrasolar vehicles, including rovers, rockets, space planes and more.

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