The Latest | Biden and Trump prepare to debate for the first time in 2024 election season

US President Joe Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump will soon meet for the first general election debate of the 2024 season – a chance for both candidates to try to reshape the political narrative and win over undecided voters

ATLANTA– American President Joe Biden and his Republican rival, Donald Trumpwill meet on Thursday for the first general election debate of the 2024 season — a chance for both candidates to try to reshape the political narrative and win over undecided voters.

Biden, the incumbent Democratic Rep., has a chance to reassure voters that, at 81 he is capable to guide the US through a series of challenges. Meanwhile, the 78-year-old Trump would the moment to try to pass by his conviction for a crime in New York and convince an audience of tens of millions that he is temperamentally suited to return to the White House.

Thursday’s debate in Atlanta will mark at least a few firsts — never before have two White House candidates faced off at such an advanced age, and never before has CNN hosted a presidential election debate.


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Here’s the latest:

Choosing public service over pure profit, CNN offered to let other networks air the debate feed; ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, PBS and C-SPAN will all do so. The other networks also have the right to sell their own advertising time during the two commercial breaks.

The networks had to agree to CNN’s rules: They must keep CNN’s insignia on the screen and cannot interrupt their own commentators while the debate is airing. Internationally, only CNN broadcasts it.

The debate begins at 9:00 PM Eastern and will last 90 minutes.

▶ Read the full AP guide at how to watch.

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