The Jackbox Megapicker solves the biggest problem with the Party Packs

The Jackbox Party Packs receive a much-needed quality of life improvement – ​​a unique resource from which all Jackboxes can emerge. Jackbox Games announced this today The Jackbox Megapicker, a free product for Steam that allows players to put their various Game Packs under one umbrella. The Mega voter will be released in July.

As a regular host of Jackbox Games, I can confirm that this was desperately needed. There are a lot of minigames across the 10 Jackbox Party Packs – more than 50 in fact, and while some of these have been made redundant by sequels, there are still a few games from each pack that are worth revisiting.

That variety is why Jackbox is such a treat. Guesses is a clever little guessing game that is new and not too competitive Survive the Internet allows my friends and I to attack each other with the worst recordings imaginable. Press on the button is a chaotic experience with a lot of shouting and blaming Job job is a much chiller and crazier experience. There is something for everyone.

But if you’re playing with friends, it immediately becomes difficult to quit the stream, open a new Party Pack, check if Extended Timers is enabled, and restart the stream. Granted, it’s a pretty minor complaint in the grand scheme of things, but it’s one that’s been going on for a decade, so the Mega voter is a nice thing to have. The developers will host an AMA on Reddit closer to launch, where they will share more information and answer fan questions.

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