The Healthy Mummy: Mum-of-two reveals the simple ways she lost 10kg in just nine months


A mother of two has revealed the simple methods she used to lose 10.3kg and 10.1% body fat in just nine months, and how you can too.

Julia Meadows, 38, from Melbourne, was battling depression and a lack of self-confidence when she decided to take charge of her growing body and change it by addressing her sweet tooth.

Just nine months after starting the weight loss program, the healthy mummyshe had lost 10.3kg, taking her from 65.5kg to 55.2kg.

The mother of two has also lost 39cm from her body and managed to keep the weight off.

A mother of two has revealed the simple methods she used to lose 10.3kg and 10.1% body fat in just nine months, and how you can too (Julia Meadows pictured before and after)

Julia Meadows, 38, from Melbourne, was battling depression and a lack of self-confidence when she decided to take charge of her body and change it (before and after photo)

When it came to shedding pounds, Julia said the first thing she did was calculate her BMR, or basal metabolic rate.

Julia Meadows’ typical day on a plate

* BREAKFAST: Smoothie with berries, bananas and oats.

* MIDMORNING: Greek yogurt with fruit and a cup of tea.

* LUNCH: Leftovers or something like chicken and salad.

* SANDWICH: Boiled eggs, nuts, or rice crackers with peanut butter.

* DINNER: One Pot Mexican or Bolognese Lasagna.

Basal metabolic rate is the number of calories your body needs to perform its most basic (basal) life-sustaining functions.

“Once I knew how many calories to eat every day, I added exercise,” Julia wrote on Facebook.

“I always take it one day at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.”

Julia traded in sugary treats for a high-protein diet that included boiled eggs, chicken and salad, Greek yogurt, walnuts, and Mexican lasagna.

“I’ve also embraced meal prep and repeated multiple meals, so I was never without a healthy meal on hand and tempted to eat unhealthily,” she said.

A typical day on Mom’s plate sees Julia enjoy a smoothie with berries, bananas, and oatmeal for breakfast, before having a cup of tea and some fruity Greek yogurt mid-morning.

“Lunch is leftovers from the night before, so something like chicken and salad,” Julia said.

Then, in the mid-afternoon, enjoy boiled eggs, walnuts or peanut butter rice crackers, before dining on Mexican lasagna or pot bolognese, some of her favorite foods.

“I also drink about three liters of water a day and it has made my skin look so much healthier and smoother,” she said.

Unhealthy desserts and ice cream have been replaced by fruit and plain yogurt as a way to let her indulge in something sweet.

Just nine months after starting the Healthy Mummy weight loss program, she had lost 10.3kg, going from 65.5kg to 55.2kg (pictured before and after)

A typical day on mom’s plate sees Julia enjoy a smoothie with berries, bananas, and oatmeal for breakfast, before having a cup of tea and some fruity Greek yogurt mid-morning (before and after pictured )

In addition to eating healthy “90 percent of the time,” Julia said she works out almost daily and does a combination of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and weights.

‘I did three HIIT workouts a week [when I was doing the challenge] and it has helped me a lot to lose weight and tone up,’ said Julia.

‘I also ran a lot. I joined my local running group and ran two half marathons this year so far.’

Julia landed on Australia’s leading weight loss program The Healthy Mummy after exploring her thousands of body transformations.

“I had seen great transformations there, so I signed up for a local running group and boot camp and started following the meal plans on the Healthy Mummy website,” Julia told FEMAIL.

“It was intimidating to sign up for training camp because I already had a negative mindset and since I hadn’t worked out, I was worried that I wasn’t in shape and would stop people.”

But Julia overcame her fears and began to notice a change in her body three weeks after bootcamp and eating differently.

‘I saw the results very quickly. At about three months I started shopping for clothes and I could see and feel the difference,” she said.

ulia strengthened her muscles through strength training, which incorporates key compound lifts into a heavy weight workout (pictured before and after)

In addition to HIIT and cardio exercises, Julia strengthened her muscles through strength training, which incorporates key compound lifts into a heavy weight workout.

Lifts that have proven effective in toning your butt included squats, lunges, and step-ups that were done at home.

It’s ideal to train your lower body at least twice a week and increase the weight over time to build muscle.

Julia said one of the most helpful things when it comes to losing weight is taking progress pictures as you lose weight (before and after pictured)

Speaking of her tips for others who want to start a weight loss journey, Julia told The Healthy Mummy that one of the things that helped her the most was taking pictures of her progress as she lost weight.

“I’m glad I took before and after photos, because even if the scales don’t move, I can still see the process and know I’m moving in the right direction,” she told the publication.

“I had to learn that the scales don’t always tell the truth and now I prefer to go through my progress images to reflect on my achievements.”

Julia also said that you should have a motivation board somewhere in your house, so you know what your goals are and how far you’ve come.

“A big one for me is changing up my exercise routine regularly to stay motivated,” she said.

‘It doesn’t always have to be a walk, a run or a gym. Jumping on the trampoline, dancing with your kids or running around the play center with your kids is a great way to stay active, plus it’s a lot of fun too.’

Julia aims for a mix of strength and cardio with her workouts, alternating walks and runs with compound movements like step-ups, squats, and lunges.

She also keeps moving throughout the day, squatting and walking around the house while doing chores and taking care of her children.

The three things that have kept Julia on track

1. Remember why you started in the first place: Julia has a motivation board hanging in her kitchen, giving her a daily reminder of why she started and how far she’s come.

2. Move: Now bet on daily exercise, not only to lose fat, but also to keep your mental health strong. She loves doing the 28-Day Healthy Mom Challenges, which provide easy-to-do daily exercises that she can do at home.

3. Get support: Finally, Julia said it’s great to have the support around you to keep you engaged and motivated. Work out with your partner or a friend, as you’re more likely to stay on track.

Fountain: the healthy mummy

“Any progress is amazing and never get discouraged if your scale doesn’t budge because it doesn’t mean you’re not making it,” said Julia (before and after photo).

Now, Julia urges women to stop comparing themselves and focus on their own journeys.

“Any progress is amazing and never get discouraged if your scale doesn’t move because that doesn’t mean you’re not making it,” he told FEMAIL.

Mothers are much more capable than we think and if I can do it, I promise you can do it too.

“Cheer up, it will change your life.”

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