The gym leggings that will shock you into getting fit: High-tech workout gear zaps you with ELECTRICITY while you work out – accelerating muscle growth

  • WE-Stim collects and redistributes the electrical energy produced by your body
  • The company claimed that it provides anti-aging benefits and improves movement. READ MORE: 20 Minute Lunges While ZAPPED Replicates a 2-Hour Workout



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A biotech company wants to shock you while you exercise.

Barunbio Energywear's workout clothes look like your typical gear: functional and somewhat fashionable.

But the trio of Korean scientists who founded the company and presented it at CES 2024 in Las Vegas said they developed these clothes to deliver low-power electrical stimulation over your entire body.

However, no batteries are required. Their products only need your own movement to power them – like a static electric shock from shuffling wool socks on a carpet.

The idea behind the company's equipment, called WE-Stim (for Wearable Electric Stimulation), is that this microelectric stimulation helps activate muscle cells for better exercise performance.

The gym leggings that will shock you into getting fit

WE-Stim clothing is designed to deliver small electric shocks along the seams. The electrical current is generated by your body movements and supplied by silver-containing fibers

1704763102 129 The gym leggings that will shock you into getting fit

1704763102 129 The gym leggings that will shock you into getting fit

These shorts contain special conductive fibers that collect and concentrate static electricity as your body moves during a workout

Most of the clothing is similar to your typical LuluLemon or Athleta. The difference is in the seams.

They are stitched with special fibers that conduct electricity.

A small percentage of silver is sufficient to give the wires their unique strength.

The silver is present in small amounts – less than 5 percent – ​​but the molecules are arranged in such a way that the fiber becomes conductive, Patrick Hwang, co-founder and chief technical officer, told

'Every time we move, our body can generate microelectricity. But that energy is wasted and unused, wasted,” Hwang said.

By capturing this energy with conductive clothing, Hwang and his colleagues discovered that they can deliver small shocks to the muscles during a workout.

The WE-Stim clothing looks like your typical workout clothes, but is designed to stimulate muscle activation during workouts

The WE-Stim clothing looks like your typical workout clothes, but is designed to stimulate muscle activation during workouts

The WE-Stim clothing looks like your typical workout clothes, but is designed to stimulate muscle activation during workouts

WE-Stim socks deliver small amounts of electrical stimulation to the soles of the feet while the wearer runs

WE-Stim socks deliver small amounts of electrical stimulation to the soles of the feet while the wearer runs

WE-Stim socks deliver small amounts of electrical stimulation to the soles of the feet while the wearer runs

This simulates the effects of electrostimulation devices, Hwang said, which have been shown to promote muscle activation and muscle relaxation.

β€œBased on that, we don't need any device or power source,” Hwang said. 'We collect it and concentrate it.'

The collected electrical energy is released along the seams – along the stomach and the sides of the legs, in the case of shorts.

β€œIt improves cell vitalization, signaling, metabolic activity and blood flow, inducing movement of ions and molecules within cells,” according to the company's promotional materials.

Wearing their electrical stimulation equipment can improve exercise performance by 30 percent and reduce muscle fatigue by 6 percent or more, they claim, and speed up recovery during rest.

A BIONIC suit that does not use electricity can help you lift heavy weights without hurting your back

Muscle Suit is a device developed by the Japanese company Innophys, designed to put an end to laborious labor.

Like WE-Stim, it has no power source.

They envision their strength-enhancing harness being used by manufacturing, warehouse, agricultural and healthcare workers – professions where physical demands are high and injuries are common, Masaru Yoda, head of international business at Innophys, told .

The strappy device is worn like a backpack, with a sturdy back strap and hooks that go over the thighs.

This holds your back and legs together so you can lift heavy objects without hurting yourself.

Innophys offered to let me try it, and as someone living with a chronic lower back injury, I was eager to see what it felt like.

After Yoda helped me put the device on and pumped the pads full of air to secure it properly, I was able to squat down, bend over to pick things up, and even lean forward and just hang there comfortably, with my back against my legs. .

I'm not sure how comfortable it would be to wear all day, but it certainly seemed to do the job.

Muscle Suit supports the back and legs together to help people in labor-intensive occupations avoid strain and injuries.

Muscle Suit supports the back and legs together to help people in labor-intensive occupations avoid strain and injuries.

Muscle Suit supports the back and legs together to help people in labor-intensive occupations avoid strain and injuries.