The general producer of Persona 3 Reload wanted to focus more attention on antagonist group Strega since the original game

The long-awaited remake of Person 3, Person 3 Reload, finally released last week to critical acclaim. While it generally offers a faithful retread of the original role-playing game, there are a few obvious changes made overall.

In addition to quality of life improvements and adjustments to the combat system, more attention has also been paid to the mysterious enemy group Strega. Without delving too deeply into spoiler territory, Strega consists of a trio of Persona users (people who can summon manifestations of their personality to fight) with whom the main character and his group come into conflict throughout the story.

In a new interview with PC gamer, Persona team general producer Kazuhisa Wada confirmed that this is something he has wanted to do since working on the original 2006 game, which he worked on as lead designer.

“Something I’ve wanted to do since we made the original Person 3but it never happened – I wanted to improve the rendering of the Strega,” Wada revealed.

“It’s a very fascinating and enigmatic group of enemies,” he explained. “So I wanted to make sure their backbone and ideology was conveyed, and I wanted our fans to feel the catharsis of the story by digging deeper into the theme.”

That said, the changes in the remake were not taken lightly by Atlus. Elsewhere in the interview, Wada explained that the developers were “extremely careful about what areas needed to be changed and how to adjust them.”

All in all anyway, Person 3 Reload is generally considered a hit with fans old and new. In my review for Ny Breaking Gaming, I praised the beautiful visuals and improvements made to the overall experience, such as the ‘shift’ mechanic during battle that allows you to pass turns between parties when an enemy is downed. However, I criticized the removal of Persona 3 portable‘s female lead, like, even though Reload is a remake of the original RPG, it felt that the character’s inclusion in the first place should never have been considered some sort of ‘bonus feature’, but rather the standard that should be expected.

For more games like Persona 3 Reload, be sure to check out our recommendations for the best RPGs And best story games.

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