The Gen Z guide to surviving your ‘nine to five’: Influencer reveals top tips for office new starters … because there’s NO such thing as a work-life balance

Fresh out of university and setting their first foot in the working world… it can be an overwhelming experience for new generation Z starters.

But don’t worry, a London influencer has revealed her top three tips for surviving a traditional ‘nine to five’ job in the corporate world.

The video by Ellswhich goes by the name @ellsatthedisco on TikTok, has been seen by almost 13,000 people in a week.

She told viewers: “If you work more than 40 hours a week or work full-time, in my opinion there is no such thing as work-life balance.

“It’s so hard to manage and for those of us who aren’t full-time content creators and have the luxury of going to Pilates every day at 11am, we have to stick to the 9 to 5 grind. a little longer.’

Addition of ‘You need some tips to keep you as healthy as possible during the week’.

Ells’ video, which goes on TikTok via @ellsatthedisco, has been viewed by almost 13,000 people in a week

Delete Teams, Slack and work emails from your personal mobile

The influencer explained that her top suggestion is to delete work-related apps from your personal phone, including Teams, Slack, and emails.

She suggested that “if you need access outside of work hours, your company should have no problem providing you with a work phone for that purpose.

“You don’t realize the damage you’re doing to yourself when you check all these apps as if they were social media apps.

“They’re in the rotation of Instagram, TikTok, teams, slack, emails – before you know it, your whole identity is working, whether you realize it or not.”

Adding: ‘You talk about work, you think about work, you dream about work and I speak from experience.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m not a CEO and I don’t own any stock in my company, so I have no business being constantly updated or watching this and that project.”

She told viewers: 'If you work more than 40 hours a week or work full-time, in my opinion there is no such thing as work-life balance.'

She told viewers: ‘If you work more than 40 hours a week or work full-time, in my opinion there is no such thing as work-life balance.’

Start on time and leave on time

Her next tip for surviving a nine to five situation is to make sure you start on time and leave on time.

She advised, “Your work will be there tomorrow, and for the rest of your week.

“The time we have outside of work is minimal, so it has to be spent on you. In my personal opinion, you can’t put a price on time.

‘I turned down overtime so that at the end of the day I had my own time to focus on myself, whatever I needed.’

Take your lunch break away from your desk

Finally, TikToker advises you to take your lunch break away from your desk:

‘Just because everyone around you is eating at their desk doesn’t mean you have to.

“I don’t know about your lunch hour, but mine isn’t paid, so I don’t understand why we would all feel the need to be chained to our desks when we don’t even get paid to be there for that hour. ‘

She suggested: ‘Also, try not to feel pressured if you’ve made some friends at work and they’re all going off to get a Leon, which costs about £13 these days, and they’re all just going sitting around chatting about the work they’ve been doing all morning and you feel like you can’t be a part of that right now, then you don’t have to.

‘You can find a quiet spot or, if not, it’s snowing or snowing, then go for a walk, listen to a podcast, even comment on your friends or scroll on TikTok – whatever you want, just make sure you’ve reset for this afternoon.’

If you’re also struggling with a nine to five, you’re not alone: ​​the video comes just after a New Jersey graduate took to the video app to share her despair over her “crazy” work schedule.

Brielle revealed that she struggled to find time for a life outside of her four-hour commute and long work hours.

In a video that has been viewed more than 1.5 million times, the graduate said she had no time or energy to cook or shower after returning home.

The content creator added, “Nothing at all to do with my job, but like the 9-5 schedule in general, it’s just crazy.”

Many people flooded the comments in support of the young woman who works in marketing, with some calling for a four-day work week.