The future of Fallout 76 includes pets, fishing, and an Enclave raid

In Fallout 76, Reclamation Day marks the occasion in 2103 where Vault Dwellers leave Vault 76 and begin their journey in Appalachia. In the real world, Fallout Day is a celebration of the Fallout franchise, set on the same date as Reclamation Day. To mark the 2024 celebration, Bethesda held a Fallout Day broadcast, showcasing some of the next updates for the game. This includes pets, a fishing mini-game, and an endgame attack that concludes with a giant, terrifying snake boss.

The Fallout Day video featured several Bethesda developers chatting about their day-to-day work, sharing heartfelt memories of feeling good in the wasteland and tongue-in-cheek complaints about how much of a pain it is to work with a creepy coworker. The highlight is the new end-game raid, which is heavily inspired by MMO-style dungeons and is intended to be a serious challenge for dedicated players. Teams dive underground, survive the hunt for an angry mole miner, and ultimately face the Ultracite Terror – a large, scary snake originally inspired by a miner.

We also learned more about what playing a ghoul in the game will be like. Bethesda first revealed that players could become ghosts back in June, but with this video the developer showed off some of the effects this choice will have on gameplay. First, instead of hunger or thirst, ghosts will have to worry about a “wild” meter. Going wild offers some advantages in battle, but if the Fallout show on Amazon shows, no one wants to go at wild. Ghouls will also have unique talents to choose from, and they are completely immune to radiation. In fact, radiation will cure them. However, some factions, such as the Brotherhood of Steel, treat creep players with ridicule and hostility unless you come up with a clever disguise. If the ghoul life is just too much, players can log out completely and become human again.

Bethesda also showed off the two new pets players can unlock for their base: a dog and a cat, with more coming in future updates. Personally, I’m intrigued by the obvious hint at a fishing mini-game. I hope I can catch a three-eyed fish and cook it for dinner with minimal risk of mutation. No one’s heaven recently added a fishing mini-game that was very well received. Maybe gamers just long for the humble life of a fisherman.

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