The formula for the perfect evening at home: get home at 5:30 p.m., sit on the couch at 6:42 p.m., and take a 19-MINUTE shower, scientists say

As the evenings draw in, many of us are looking forward to spending pleasant evenings at home.

But what exactly is the best way to make the most of a plan-free evening?

If you are unsure about what to do, help is available.

Researchers from hair care brand Timotei have discovered the formula for a perfect winter night.

A poll of 2,000 people shows that the ideal time to spend an evening at home is 5:30 PM.

That gives you just over an hour before you have to hit the couch at 6:42 p.m.

And what would a night out be without a luxurious swim?

According to the researchers, the perfect shower or bath routine takes an average of 19 minutes, while putting on comfortable clothes, slippers and making a drink are among the first things you should do before settling down.

A survey of 2,000 people shows that the ideal time to come home for an evening is 5:30 PM (stock image)

The survey shows that more than half of respondents would rather spend the night alone than go out, and two-thirds are actively canceling plans to spend some time alone

The survey shows that more than half of respondents would rather spend the night alone than go out, and two-thirds are actively canceling plans to spend some time alone

The survey found that more than half of respondents would rather spend the night alone than go out, and two-thirds actively cancel plans to spend some time alone.

Since the clocks turned back, 22 percent say they now want to stay at home more and 35 percent say they have a greater need for self-care.

When asked what the main reasons are for staying indoors, 66 percent say it is more comfortable at home, 53 percent find it ‘quieter’ than going out, and 48 percent like to take the opportunity to completely unwind.

As they try to relax at home, 55 percent say they are desperate to avoid uninvited visitors.

And while 45 percent would choose to spend the perfect evening with family, 24 percent said they would choose to be home alone and 9 percent said they just wanted to be with their pets.

The survey also found that candles and relaxing music are must-haves for almost a third of people.

Favorite evening activities also include reading a good book, watching a classic movie, ordering take-out or baking something delicious.

Despite Brits saying they would rather stay a night at home than have a night out, the research shows that on average we only spend six nights at home every month.

The findings come as Timotei has launched a new podcast series – ‘A Gentle Start: The Showercast’ – in which people like Laura Whitmore and Martine McCutcheon reflect on how they practice ‘gentle living’.

Cleo Hector, Timotei’s marketing manager, said: ‘As we move from summer to the colder months, it seems many Brits want to take it easy and be kinder to themselves.’


Most adults need between six and nine hours of sleep every night.

Going to bed and getting up at the same time every night programs the brain and internal body clock to get used to a regular routine.

But few people manage to stick to strict bedtime patterns.

To make it easier to fall asleep, the NHS recommends winding down, for example by taking a bath, reading and avoiding electronic devices.

The health department also recommends keeping the bedroom sleep-friendly by removing TVs and gadgets from the room and keeping it dark and tidy.

For people who struggle to sleep, the NHS says keeping a sleep diary can reveal lifestyle habits or activities that contribute to sleepiness.

Source: NHS