The five worst character flaws that will turn people away from you – and everyone has been guilty of at least two

A woman has shared five of the ‘worst’ character traits she’s encountered in people and partners – and why someone who ticks the same boxes will never be in her life.

Simona has been burned by several exes and fake friends who took advantage of her kindness and generosity.

She has since made a list of the types of people she refuses to hang out with – and why setting clear boundaries has helped her mental health.

Simona cannot overlook when someone cannot keep their word and regulate their emotions.

She also doesn’t like it when people always have to be ‘right’, have no emotional intelligence and are stingy.

Simona has been burned by several exes and fake friends who took advantage of her kindness and generosity

1) Someone who cannot keep his word

Many people make empty promises or commit to activities they have no intention of following through on – and that makes it difficult for them to trust.

“If they keep yapping without taking action, they have to leave,” Simona said.

2) If they are poor at regulating emotions

“When they get angry, they lash out, yell, swear — that’s a red flag,” she said.

‘A person who is a slave to his emotions will always remain that way. If they can’t practice discipline when they’re going through something difficult, they’ll always be a loose cannon.”

3) Know it all

Simona claimed that someone who always has to be right is “the most annoying person.”

It’s important to surround yourself with people who apologize when they’re wrong and take responsibility for their actions.

4) People without emotional intelligence

Simona has often gone to friends in vulnerable situations just to tell her to ‘calm down’ and ‘don’t stress’.

“They don’t even have the emotional intelligence to listen to you or make space for you when you have a problem,” she said.

5) Stingy people

“Cheap people are the worst,” she said. “When you go out to dinner with them and they say, ‘Well, your drink was $2.60 more than mine,’ I think that’s so childish.”

She warned that you should beware of people who spend a lot of time nitpicking bills and ‘forgetting’ to pay you back.

Many agreed with Simona’s opinion.

“I started splitting the bill – I only pay for myself when I’m around new people because people were taking advantage of me financially,” one person said.

“The need to be right is exhausting,” said another. “My ex was constantly correcting my pronunciation and trying to give me an edge in every situation.”

But some disagreed with some of Simona’s points.

“Why don’t you have mercy on people who can’t control their emotions? We are in therapy and working on it,” one man said.

‘It takes time and practice for people to learn how to regulate their emotions. It’s never okay, but not enough to write anyone off,” a second added.

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