The FBI “obstructed” the Hunter Biden investigation by “tipping off” the Biden transition team and the Secret Service ahead of the planned interview with the first son according to the agent, who says it caused “frustration” for investigators

FBI interview with Hunter Biden about his foreign affairs dealings never happened because the Biden transition team and Secret Service were tipped off and canned it, a whistleblower agent alleges

  • The agent, who worked for the FBI for more than two decades and retired last year, sat down for an interview with the Oversight Committee
  • Officer testified that it was ‘unusual’ that he was asked to wait outside Hunter Biden’s home for a call that never came when he tried to interview him
  • When asked if he had “ever known U.S. attorney David Weiss to make prosecution decisions based on political influence,” the agent said “no.”

A former FBI supervisory special agent who worked on the Hunter Biden case was barred from interviewing the first son after the agency tipped off Biden’s Secret Service and transition team, according to newly released transcripts.

The agent, who worked for the FBI for more than two decades and retired last year, sat for an interview with the Oversight Committee last month.

Top Oversight Democrat Jamie Raskin had demanded Chairman James Comer release the FBI agent’s transcript, accusing the Republican of concealing testimony that “undermined” the claims of IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler.

Years after the Hunter Biden investigation, which began in 2018, the FBI decided to interview their target. The interview was scheduled to take place on December 8, 2020 – weeks after the presidential election. The FBI agent said he understood that the Secret Service needed to be notified for security reasons, but said he intended to notify them of their “intent” to deal with Hunter at 8 a.m. the morning of the interview. to talk.

A former FBI supervisory special agent who worked on the Hunter Biden case was barred from interviewing the first son after the agency tipped off Biden’s Secret Service and transition team, according to newly released transcripts

But the night before, the FBI agent learned that both the Secret Service and the Biden transition team had already been notified. “This essentially tipped off a group of people very close to President Biden and Hunter Biden and gave this group an opportunity to obstruct the approach of the witness.”

“I felt like they were people who didn’t need to know about our intentions,” he said. “I believe the Secret Service needed to be notified for our safety, for the lack of confusion, for de-conflicting, which we would in so many other cases, but I didn’t understand why the first report.”

The agent was then told to give his contact information to the Secret Service and not go to the house, but wait outside for a call that Hunter was ready for the interview. The officer said he never remembered being told to wait for a target to call and said they were ready for an interview.

The call never came and the agent had other interviews to conduct, so he left.

As for the Biden transition team, “I don’t know why that would have happened,” the agent said.

The unusual interview attempt took place under the Trump administration while U.S. attorney David Weiss in Delaware oversaw the Hunter Biden case. Weiss has since been appointed special counsel on the case, making him more independent from the main Justice Department.

When asked if he had “ever known U.S. Attorney David Weiss to make prosecuting decisions based on political influence,” the agent said “no.”

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who worked with the FBI agent on the Hunter Biden case, told Fox News earlier this month that the agent was essentially muzzled by the DOJ prior to his interview.

“He got a letter from DOJ the Sunday before telling him not to talk,” Shapley said.

“I know he could have confirmed additional material facts about this investigation,” he continued.

“And he has confirmed that FBI headquarters has notified the transition team and the Secret Service,” Shapley added, citing claims that the FBI had notified Biden’s Secret Service and transition team that they were were planning to interview Hunter Biden in December 2020.

Both Biden’s transition team and the Secret Service were notified of the FBI’s intention to talk to Hunter

“But really that was all he could talk about.”

The FBI and the Delaware US Attorney’s Office have said they cannot share everything with Congress because there is an “ongoing investigation” — referring to the Hunter Biden plea deal blast last month.

Both Shapley and Ziegler explained that after its investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax affairs, the IRS recommended that he be charged with a felony — but the Justice Department has not charged him with it. The pair suggested there could be politics involved.

But the FBI agent who gave testimony said he had never known anyone in the US law firm in Delaware – which handled the case – to make decisions based on politics – and said it was “normal” for FBI agents to and prosecutors disagreed on investigative steps and charging decisions.

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