The Essential Role of Payments in the Sales Funnel

Today, businesses across all industries are constantly on the hunt, aiming to boost sales and increase revenue. Within this never-ending process of developing innovative customer journey strategies lies an often overlooked yet crucial phase: payment processing. This critical stage in the sales cycle is often neglected, overshadowing its significant potential to influence a customer’s purchase decision. The truth is, though, that just because a customer proceeds to the checkout page doesn’t mean they intend to complete the purchase. It’s at the checkout stage that the final decision is made.

According to the 2024 Cart Abandonment Rate Statistics released by Baymard Institute, the average documented online cart abandonment rate is 70.19%. The data shows that only one in three shoppers who make it to checkout actually follow through with their purchase. Furthermore, one in five shoppers abandoned a cart last quarter due to a long and complicated checkout process. The loss of profit this causes for businesses every day is staggering.