The dream is over: Apple will not release a 27-inch iMac with M-series silicon

There have been rumors about A 27-inch iMac get out since at least 2021 (and reportedly slated for a 2022 release), but Apple has confirmed to Ny Breaking that it has no plans to create a new 27-inch model, putting these hopes and dreams on a (seemingly) permanent kibosh.

Instead, Apple will point Mac customers who have been waiting for an upgraded 27-inch version to Studio view and either a Mac studio or Mac Minias it allows buyers to get a 27-inch 5K display paired with a powerful professional-level computer.

At one point, the 27-inch iMac was considered Apple’s flagship and one of the best Macs on the market thanks to its large screen, but also because of its popularity not only with the average user, but also with media companies who used them for extensive editing. Unfortunately, Apple has moved on to its other product offerings and upgraded it with its silicon, leading iMac users to move on to greener pastures such as the Mac Studio, MacBook Pro, or other PCs that would better suit their needs.

The 27-inch iMac was a dream come true

It’s a shame that Apple no longer supports the 27-inch iMac, because it really was an excellent machine. While the current 24-inch iMac’s M3 chip is objectively superior to the Intel chip in measured performance, the old Intel model offered more flexibility for different needs.

For example, you could outfit an Intel iMac with high-end chips and discrete GPUs to create a compact, stylish creative powerhouse. Not to mention the much more robust port selection with a wide variety of ports and an SD card reader slot. Many had hoped that a 27-inch iMac would include ‘Pro’ and ‘Max’ versions of Apple’s chips, as well as extra ports to create a modern version of this, but that’s clearly not in the plans.

Apple boasts that the new iMac model has a large screen on which users can spread out their favorite apps, and that the 4.5K Retina display is a cross between the 4K and 5K displays on the old Intel-based Macs . But fans of the 27-inch iMac didn’t invest in it just for those reasons, but took full advantage of the customization options it offered.

And while the Mac Studio and Mac Mini are very impressive machines with their more powerful chip options, they’re not the neat, fancy all-in-one machines that drew people to the 27-inch iMac. Pour one out for a real one, folks; the 27-inch dream is over.

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