The developers of Helldivers 2 apparently won’t have much to do with the film

The coming one Helldivers According to Arrowhead Game Studios creative director Johan Pilestedt, the game’s developers will not be heavily involved in the film.

Pilestedt was asked X if the studio had a hand in the production of the upcoming film. “The short answer is yes. The long answer is: we’ll see,” he replied. “We are not Hollywood people and we don’t know what it takes to make a movie. And that is why we do not have the final say, nor should we.”

Although the film is still in its early stages, as Sony announced at CES last week, it appears that no one at Arrowhead will be directing the film. It’s possible that things could change over time, but it doesn’t seem like they will Last of us Situation of a TV show where lead developers co-create it.

With no names publicly attached to the project, it remains to be seen how the Helldivers The film will capture the thrill of exterminating space insects and robots as an army of space marines loyal to a satirical fascist empire. The game is deeply inspired by the 1997s Spaceship Troopersa film that happens to be owned by Sony and still holds up today, leaving a big question mark as to how much the adaptation will rely on it.

PlayStation Productions will team up with Sony Pictures for the film, with the rest still up in the air. Since its founding in 2019, PlayStation Productions has been creating films and television shows based on Sony’s major video game franchises, including Gran Turismo, Twisted metalAnd The last of us. The Helldivers film is just one of seven upcoming projects, most of which do not yet have a release date. Sony has already announced films based on this Horizon zero dawn, Ghost of Tsushima, Days passAnd Gravity rush.

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