The call no Aussie would want: 2GB host Ben Fordham reveals alarming ‘pushy’ charity trend

The call no Aussie would want: 2GB host Ben Fordham reveals alarming ‘pushy’ charity trend

  • Radio listener picks up call for fundraising
  • ‘Charity Worker’ will not accept a refusal
  • Every ‘no’ is answered with more insistence

A private company has been criticized after one of its employees was caught harassing a man and urging him to donate money over the phone, even after repeated refusals.

John was contacted by a woman claiming to be from Victorian company The Fundraising Centre, which claims to raise money for charitable causes.

The call was played Monday morning on broadcaster Ben Fordham’s 2GB radio program.

The woman is heard constantly asking John to donate various amounts.

Questions are being asked about the private company The Fundraising Center and their high-pressure phone tactics to obtain donations

“This work is really important because in the last year one in five Australians have experienced food insecurity, with almost a quarter of this group being children,” the woman is heard to say.

“That’s our future generation, and that’s the saddest thing.”

“Just letting you know that we’re looking for one-time donations and the minimum gift is $25 because this is actually enough to feed one adult for a whole week.”

John refuses to donate, but the woman goes overboard to pressure him into making a payment.

After John refused to donate, the woman relentlessly pushed to tell him that the charity “may postpone the donation” until a later date that “comes” to him.

“I don’t want to support today,” John repeats.

Seemingly undeterred, the woman says, “We’re at least asking the entire community if they can support with $20 today, because it’s amazing how $20 from anyone can add up.”

‘So we can put you to sleep for $20.

When John says no again, the female caller doesn’t miss a second as she again urges him on.

“Honestly, the dollar ever goes that far. So how much are you comfortable helping today?’ she says

‘Zero’, is John’s answer.

In response, the caller continues to lecture John about the dire circumstances many people live in before asking, “Is this a cause you would consider supporting?”

The Sydney radio host wondered if the maid was a real person because of her unnatural calling style

The Sydney radio host wondered if the maid was a real person because of her unnatural calling style

The woman’s lack of interaction or even acknowledgment of John’s answer left Fordham questioning whether she is flesh and blood.

“It doesn’t sound like he was talking to a human, it’s a human voice, but it sounds like it’s a bit like a robot,” says Fordham.

Fordham argued that under such duress, the elderly might feel pressured to hand over money.

The presumptuous tactics have led to charities being bombarded with one-star ratings online, with people selling hard.

“Aggressively beyond the bucket! Cold call early evening,’ someone said.

“Refused to give details of how the undisclosed private number on the Do Not Call Registry was obtained and continued to dodge the question.”

Another wrote: “Abusive telemarketing calling people who want to donate money.”

“Felt really dodgy and the upselling at the end of the call to keep my donation going was bad form. I had to be rude to get out of the conversation. Have blocked the number,” a third added.

The Fundraising Center is owned by DTS Group, who claim on their website to have worked with “some of the largest national charities.”

The slogan of DTS Group is ‘fundraising experts’.

A spokesperson for The Fundraising Center told Daily Mail Australia the company was reviewing the way it asks for donations.

“We regret that a recent phone call has seen repeated requests for donations and apologize for this unacceptable experience,” the spokesperson said.

“This is not how we operate and we are reviewing our processes to ensure this is not repeated.”

“We recognize the importance of treating all potential donors with respect, even if they refuse to donate.”