The bride’s brother gives a hilarious wedding speech in which he toasts his sister

A bride’s brother made her wedding guests howl with laughter after they called his family for favoring her in his hilarious speech.

Newlyweds Lindsey and Adam were sitting at the head table when her older brother, Sean, took the stage to say a few words about them in front of their loved ones at the outdoor reception.

In the speech, which was shared by TikTok user @isaac9iceSean turned out to be a great comedian when he made fun of his little sister who he claimed he never really wanted.

“We first met in the early ’90s. I can’t say I was very interested in meeting her, but my parents didn’t think I was enough,” he joked as the crowd roared with laughter.

A groomsman named Sean toasted his younger sister, Lindsey, at her wedding reception during his hilarious speech

“We first met in the early '90s.  I can't say I was overly interested in meeting her, but my parents didn't think I was enough,

“We first met in the early ’90s. I can’t say I was overly interested in meeting her, but my parents didn’t think I was enough,” he joked, saying his first word to her was “rude.”

“When she was born, she was a big girl. Some would say “heavy”. Nine pounds and 10 ounces,” he continued. ‘They wheeled her into the hallway and my first word to her was “rude.” We looked at each other and that’s where it started, a sibling rivalry.’

Sean told the audience that Lindsey’s first word to him was “sabotage,” and as she grew older, she learned to provoke him and get away with it.

‘She was my shadow. She followed me everywhere. She studied me. She knew what made me happy and exactly how to thrill me,” he explained.

“She stood in front of glass and gave me marbles and loved every minute of the result.”

The groom added that his little sister knew exactly how to play their parents and grandparents so they would always take her side.

“My grandparents developed a point system where we scored points for doing good deeds and being good to each other, but this system failed,” he recalls.

“If a brawl was brought to the attention of a superior, I didn’t stand a chance. It literally took video footage for my family to side with me after a fight broke out.”

Sean shared how he and his sister camped with their grandparents every summer. To pass the time, they created their own evening news show where they would record themselves summarizing the day’s events.

Sean also called out his parents and grandparents for favoring Lindsey growing up, saying it took real video footage to believe him instead of her.

Sean also called out his parents and grandparents for favoring Lindsey growing up, saying it took real video footage to believe him instead of her.

Sean also called out his parents and grandparents for favoring Lindsey growing up, saying it took real video footage to believe him instead of her.

He recalled showing his grandparents a video of Lindsey hitting him and saying,

He recalled showing his grandparents a video of Lindsey hitting him and saying, “All my life I’ve tried to feel as good as I did at the time”

“Halfway through the second season, episode seven, she went down,” he said.

“She hit me, she pushed me, she spat on me… and I pushed her away. She immediately ran to my grandparents. “Sean hit me. Sean is bad.’

“I got into trouble and again I was told, ‘Sean, negative points.’ So here I am, Grandma, Lindsey is at 160 points, and here I am at minus 5.”

Sean said he realized that the incident was on tape and he let his grandparents watch the footage to prove his innocence.

“All my life I’ve tried to feel as good as I did at that moment,” he said.

“My grandparents literally turned their heads to her. She was exposed.’

After pranking his sister for three straight minutes, his speech took a heartfelt turn as he shared everything he loved about her.

“Now that I’ve made Lindsey look like a horrible person. I’ll let you know she isn’t,’ he said.

“When I think of my sister, I think authentically. There aren’t many people like her, and I feel really blessed to have such a wonderful person to grow up with.”

Sean gushed that Lindsey is generous and kind, someone they can all count on.

“She’s never afraid to say what she thinks, and she’ll speak her mind, even if it’s not what you want to hear,” he continued.

After pranking his sister for three straight minutes, his speech took a heartfelt turn as he shared everything he loved about her.

After pranking his sister for three straight minutes, his speech took a heartfelt turn as he shared everything he loved about her.

1683039363 933 The brides brother gives a hilarious wedding speech in which

1683039366 384 The brides brother gives a hilarious wedding speech in which

“I really don’t know what I would do without my shadow,” he said before offering a toast to his sister and her new husband, Adam.

1683039370 28 The brides brother gives a hilarious wedding speech in which

“On behalf of our family, Adam, welcome and congratulations to you both,” he said at the end of his speech.

1683039372 821 The brides brother gives a hilarious wedding speech in which

1683039373 910 The brides brother gives a hilarious wedding speech in which

1683039376 272 The brides brother gives a hilarious wedding speech in which

1683039381 716 The brides brother gives a hilarious wedding speech in which

1683039386 45 The brides brother gives a hilarious wedding speech in which

The video has been viewed over seven million times and has received hundreds of comments from fans

The video has been viewed over seven million times and has received hundreds of comments from fans

“She kept me in line. She will keep Adam in line, and I really don’t know what I would do without my shadow.

“She’s organized and on the ball, and there are people like me who put everything off and leave everything until the last minute, like this speech,” he joked again.

After claiming there was a mustard stain on the paper, he shared a few words about his new brother-in-law.

“Adam, I liked you from the start. Maybe because you would laugh at my jokes when my sister just sat there shaking her head, or because you like sports yourself and are a good athlete,” he said.

“But I’ll let you know that I’ve never seen my sister so confident, relaxed, and happy, and for our family, that’s saying a lot.” You’re always willing to lend a helping hand and half a beer, and at the end of the day, that’s enough for me.”

“I’m really excited to get to know you over the years and I can’t think of a better person to be with Lindsay,” he added, letting everyone raise their glasses for a toast.

“On behalf of our family, Adam, welcome and congratulations to you both,” he concluded.

The video has been viewed over seven million times and has received hundreds of comments from fans.

“This is a sibling,” one person wrote.

“The reactions from, I suppose, the grandparents make this gold,” another commented.

“The older brother I’ve always wanted. Love all of this,” added another.

“Please tell their parents they did a great job.”