The AOC office is STILL recommending social distancing

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s office is still preaching social distancing restrictions, according to an automated phone message to her Washington, DC, office.

Nine months away from statements by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) ending such measures, the warning is blatantly outdated — and is already causing a stir among representatives.

As of Sunday, those who wish to leave a comment, question or suggestion at the 33-year-old’s office are still greeted with the months-old phone call.

In it, an unspecified male staffer employed by the fourth-year Bronx representative praises how social distancing is “critical to preventing the spread of COVID-19.”

Not mentioned in the recording is how the CDC dropped its six-foot distance requirement last August, bolstered by a WHO claim last month that the COVID-19 pandemic was no longer a global health emergency.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s office is still preaching social distancing restrictions, according to an automated phone message to her Washington, D.C. office

It comes as President Biden sensationally declared last year that the coronavirus outbreak in the US was completely under control, claiming in September that

It comes as President Biden sensationally declared last year that the coronavirus outbreak in the US was completely under control, claiming in September that “the pandemic is over.” The president’s position has been shared by several notable agencies, including the CDC and WHO

“Thanks for calling Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s office,” the greeting begins, which comes after callers select “English” from two available language prompts.

Federal, state and local officials have advised that social distancing is critical to preventing the spread of COVID-19.

“As such, staff in the Congresswoman’s DC and district offices will begin telecommuting shortly,” the recorded greeting continues.

Meetings and other matters will be conducted by telephone or video. Thank you for your understanding.’

The former bartender’s office did not immediately respond to a question from on Sunday asking why the pre-recorded message has yet to be changed, despite moving away from stipulations broadcast by several respected agencies.

Along with the aforementioned groups, President Biden sensationally declared last year that the coronavirus outbreak in the US was now completely under control, saying in a September 60-minute appearance that “the pandemic is over.”

The president admitted at the time: “We still have a problem with Covid. We are still working on it… But the pandemic is over.’

Earlier this month, Biden passed legislation that backed up that claim by officially declaring that the country’s COVID-19 emergency has come to an end.

Promulgated in March 2020 by former President Donald Trump to increase the executive branch’s ability to allocate funds to curb the spread, it had been in effect for more than three years as the virus claimed nearly 7 million lives and is still always demanding.

The symbolic decision came as both the number of cases and deaths have been declining for months as an increasing number of adults gain some degree of immunity to the virus through vaccinations, previous infections – or both.

It was preceded by an official statement from the WHO director-general himself days earlier, in which disease officer Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus proudly proclaimed that ‘life has returned to normal’.

It remains to be seen why Ocascio-Cortez — who came under scrutiny during the early days of the pandemic for ignoring mask mandates and self-social distancing (seen here) — has yet to change her pre-recorded caller greetings.

It remains to be seen why Ocascio-Cortez — who came under scrutiny during the early days of the pandemic for ignoring mask mandates and self-social distancing (seen here) — has yet to change her pre-recorded caller greetings.

After the maskless outing in 2021, it was revealed that the outspoken rep had contracted the coronavirus

After the maskless outing in 2021, it was revealed that the outspoken rep had contracted the coronavirus

It remains to be seen why Ocascio-Cortez — who came under scrutiny during the early days of the pandemic for ignoring mask mandates and keeping her distance herself — has yet to change her pre-recorded caller greetings.

The Bronx and Queens representative also held a town hall meeting in her native New York on Friday, where voters were reportedly allowed to sit more than six feet apart.

When asked about Ocascio-Cortez’s apparently outdated message, Nicole Malliotakis, New York Representative from Staten Island, said the greeting was likely a mistake.

“Maybe her office should just update the voicemail,” Malliotakis told The New York Post on Sunday.

“But,” she added, “the pandemic is over and all federal employees have to go back to the office. They are not paid to sit at home.

“My office was never closed to begin with.”

Meanwhile, another New York official’s office — which takes in $5 million in tax dollars annually — also appears to miss the memo outlining that the pandemic is a thing of the past, and is still working remotely even after Biden has the emergency order. withdrawn.

That office is owned by public attorney Jumaane Williams, who was elected in 2021 and is responsible for assisting the Big Apple’s approximately 9 million residents with complaints.

With plans already being aired to run for governor, Williams, 47, for his entire term in office has allowed staffers to work from home even after the president’s official statement.

In previous months, those who tried to call the Williams office line were met with the following recorded greeting: “Our office is currently operating remotely.”

Today, a modified message reads: “Our office is currently operating on a hybrid schedule.”

Meanwhile, as for Ocasico-Cortez, her aforementioned city hall in Corona, Queens, on Friday turned out to be a farce, as the funeral pyre was decried as a “piece of sh*t” by those in attendance and berated for her views on Ukraine, migrants, and story hours about drag queens.

Despite the claims in her office's pre-recorded greeting, the Bronx and Queens Fire Department held a town hall meeting Friday in her native New York, allowing attendees to sit six feet apart.

Despite the claims in her office’s pre-recorded greeting, the Bronx and Queens Fire Department held a town hall meeting Friday in her native New York, allowing attendees to sit six feet apart.

The meeting was bombarded with protesters, a man was escorted out after calling the congressman a 'piece of shit'

The meeting was bombarded with protesters, a man was escorted out after calling the congressman a ‘piece of shit’

AOC protesters wanted to know why the congressman continued to support sending billions to Ukraine when many are struggling in Queens and The Bronx

AOC protesters wanted to know why the congressman continued to support sending billions to Ukraine when many are struggling in Queens and The Bronx

Ocasico-Cortez has yet to comment on her office's current stance on social distancing

Ocasico-Cortez has yet to comment on her office’s current stance on social distancing

The rally was held in a neighborhood that’s part of the relatively new representative’s constituency — though her voters didn’t seem to be in a welcoming mood as the event transitioned into the question-and-answer phase.

“American citizens before migrants,” cried one heckler. Others chanted, “America first.”

Another shouted, “We are on the brink of nuclear war with Russia. Are you going to stop this war?’ shouted another, according to video recorded by conservative activist group Freedom News TV.

Video shows a protester, dressed in a Cuba T-shirt and waving miniature US flags, led away by security after repeatedly calling AOC a piece of sh*t and asking, “Where are you on the migrant issue?”

An Iraq veteran tried to defend the Bronx-born Democrat by saying, “Immigrants have nothing to do with vets, it’s just an excuse. We all came through Ellis Island for the most part.’ At that point, a protester interjected, “Legal!”

Ocasico-Cortez has yet to comment on her office’s current stance on social distancing.