The actor who was in an Oscar-nominated film reveals he’s back to working two-day jobs.

Actor James Martin, who is in an Oscar-nominated movie, reveals he still works at Starbucks

An actor has revealed that he is staying humble and still working at his local Starbucks, despite being in an Oscar-nominated movie.

Belfast’s James Martin was in An Irish Goodbye in 2021, directed by Ross White and Tom Berkeley, playing a brother who is reunited with his brother Turlough (Seamus O’Hara) due to the death of their mother.

He has been praised for his performance in the film, which has been nominated in the Best Short Film category.

But he has chosen to return to Starbucks for now, before the Oscars next month.

He said: ‘I help with all the clients. I’ve been doing that for a long time. It is nice.’

Humble: An actor has revealed that he is staying humble and still working at his local Starbucks, despite being in an Oscar-nominated movie (Pictured: James at work)

The actor keeps busy and also works at the local restaurant Scalini’s as a chef.

It comes after he said of the Oscars on BBC Breakfast on Thursday: “Well, it’s not every day you go to America, and an Oscar might be a good birthday present, because it’s actually March 12, my birthday, so that the moment is fantastic.’

He added: “I would love to meet Tom Cruise, of course I would, Top Gun is a fantastic movie.” I would love to meet Liam Neeson because we have something in common.

“I would love to meet Robert De Niro because we also have something in common.”

Meanwhile, the film’s writers Tom and Ross are just as excited.

Tom and Ross are thrilled to have been nominated for the short film and happy to only be on the long list.

They realized they had created something special when they found out how close James and Seamus had become.

Tom said: ‘(When we found out) that the two of them would stare at each other at night to originally execute their lines, and then ended up doing it because they became really fast friends, so I think we realized they had something special together. ‘

Role: James Martin, from Belfast, was in An Irish Goodbye in 2021, directed by Ross White and Tom Berkeley

James revealed that he had a special bond with Seamus and just wanted to make people laugh with the film while watching it during lockdown.

He also said about acting with Down syndrome: Anyone can act, it doesn’t matter if they have Down syndrome.

The actor said he always tells people never to judge a book by its cover, referencing Stephen Hawking, who had motor neurone disease, acting on The Simpsons.

He described Stephen as a fantastic actor who knew what he was doing.

An Irish Goodbye has already won gongs at the British Short Film Awards, the Indy Shorts International Film Festival and the Irish Film Festa.

Praise: He has been praised for his performance in the film, which has been nominated in the Best Short Film category.

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