Thank YOU for your service! Canadian military police warn ‘army fetishist’ sex worker, 32, to stop giving DISCOUNTS to troops and senior officers after she was inundated with requests for $150-an-hour ‘sluts for soldiers’ services

Canadian military police have issued a stern warning to troops after an “army fetishist” sex worker was found to be giving discounts to men in uniform.

Christina Lea Gilchrist, 32, is a self-described “toy soldier” and charges troops a $150 per hour cut for her services.

She has admitted that since police tried to calm her down, she has been inundated with requests from new customers at the base.

The Ontario woman has been a sex worker for more than a decade and said she discovered she had a military fetish when she moved to Kingston, home to a Canadian Forces base.

Now military police are threatening to charge the ‘sluts for soldiers’ sex worker for allegedly using real uniforms in her work – a charge Gilchrist denies.

Christina Lea Gilchrist, 32, is a self-described ‘toy soldier’ ​​and charges army men a $150 per hour cut for her services – and admitted that since police tried to calm her down, she has been inundated with requests from new clients

The Ontario woman has been a sex worker for more than a decade and said she discovered she had a military fetish when she moved to Kingston, home to a Canadian Forces base.

Now she has been contacted by military personnel from across the country interested in her services

Since a formal warning was issued against her, Gilchrist’s cases have skyrocketed and she jokingly referred to herself as the “most beautiful accidental threat to national security.”

Police discovered her – and that Canadian soldiers in the barracks were using her services – after discovering her business card in one of the dormitories.

Gilchrist told the Citizen of Ottawa: ‘I developed a military fetish when I lived in Kingston and now I really like them.

“I prefer them to wear their uniforms because I am an active military fetishist. I love them in their uniforms.”

Gilchrist’s website explains that if clients are members of the armed forces, her going rate is $150 per hour – which is a $50 discount compared to regular people.

The men must show military identification cards to receive the discount.

Selling sex is legal in Canada, but Gilchrist is accused of breaking the law by using military uniforms in her work, police documents show.

On Gilchrist’s OnlyFans account, where she posts some of her encounters and solo photos, she describes herself as a: “Professional submissive. Kinky masochist. BDSM teacher. Leather pony. Military Fetishist’

Gilchrist also has a tattoo of three green toy soldiers and two poppies under her breasts, which she got in 2022. She posted an image of her etching and wrote: “Lifelong dedication to my fetish! I’m not a soldier, I just fuck a lot’

An internal note to all Canadian military personnel at the Kingston base warned the men not to see Gilchrist. The alarm is a highly unusual step.

Military personnel were told: ‘The escort in question has posted photographs on their website of (yet unidentified) clients in CAF uniforms in compromising positions.

“Apart from the fact that this is a potential crime, it could lead to other, more serious consequences and engaging in sexual exploitation is clearly contrary to our CAF Code of Ethics and Values.”

After finding her business card, the military police sent her a warning directly.

Police alleged she had committed two offenses under the Criminal Code.

The first was advertising sexual services, and the second was for the unlawful use of military uniforms in violation of section 419(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Police told Gilchrist on December 18: ‘While reviewing your website it was noted that in addition to advertising your services in a military uniform which is a controlled garment, you also showed other parties engaging in sexual acts while also in were uniform. .

“In addition, while our investigation continues, if it is discovered that you received your uniform from another member of the Canadian Armed Forces, you will be charged an additional fee.”

An internal note to all Canadian military personnel at the Kingston base warned the men not to see Gilchrist. The alarm is a highly unusual step

Police alleged she had committed two offenses under the Criminal Code. The first was advertising sexual services, and the second was for the unlawful use of military uniforms in violation of section 419(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Pictured: Canadian Forces Base Kingston, where the sex worker’s business cards were found

She told the Ottawa Citizen: “I have never walked around in public pretending to be a soldier. People in movies dressed as soldiers don’t pretend to be soldiers, so why does the military police think I am?’

But after the internal message, the sex worker said her business was flourishing.

She wrote, “Thanks to the free advertising the CAF inadvertently gave me by literally announcing my existence to my exact target audience.

“I’m experiencing a lot of traffic and it may take a while for me to respond.”

Colonel Sonny Hatton is the base commander at Canadian Forces Base Kingston

Gilchrist added, “They gave me all this free publicity. After they made that memo, I literally had 10,000 hits on my website. They told soldiers, ‘Hey, don’t look at this,’ and all the soldiers said, ‘Hey, let’s go look at this.’

Now she has been contacted by military personnel from across the country interested in her services.

On Gilchrist’s OnlyFans account, where she posts some of her encounters and solo photos, she describes herself as a: “Professional submissive. Kinky masochist. BDSM teacher. Leather pony. Military fetishist.’

She added: ‘It is perfectly legal for me to advertise myself and sell my own services as long as I am the only one who benefits.’

Gilchrist’s website, Sluts for Soldiers, has multiple disclaimers noting that she is not a member of the military – and that she is not associated with the armed forces.

She writes on her website, next to an explicit image of her sexual acts with two men in camouflage clothing: ‘I collect all your rankings and cap badges.

“I deserve them… just not like you do.

Since a formal warning was issued against her, Gilchrist’s cases have soared and she jokingly referred to herself as the “most beautiful accidental threat to national security.”

“Officially the nicest casual threat to national security* you’ll ever see since a memo went to CFB KINGSTON specifically about me.

‘*legally a joke, please – I’m just a shack rat.’

Photos of Gilchrist, advertising her service, show her wearing a camouflage bikini and skirt with her hands tied to the back of a truck.

Others include photos of her wearing camouflage jackets, with the words “sluts4soldiers” written on the arm, as she lies on the ground with her breasts out as a man, holding a belt around her neck, steps on her face.

In another shot, she poses in an abandoned building with her arms above her face in a lacy green bralette, a gas mask over her mouth and nose.

Gilchrist also has a tattoo of three green toy soldiers and two poppies under her breasts, which she got in 2022.

She posted an image of her etching and wrote: “Lifelong dedication to my fetish! I’m not a soldier, I just fuck a lot.’

The words “not enlisted” adorn her social media, and she reiterated on Instagram: “I am not a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, nor am I a veteran of any other military. I’m not a soldier, I’m a military fetishist.’

In Canada, non-military people can purchase military uniforms and medals online from multiple stores – and commercial examples of camouflage are also readily available.

National Defense spokesperson Frédérica Dupuis said the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service was investigating after “explicit advertising” was found.