Thai man is bitten on the testicles by a python while sitting on the toilet, leaving his bathroom sprayed in blood

  • Bangkok man forced to beat snake with toilet brush until it died to break its grip

A man in Thailand was bitten in his testicles by a huge python, leaving his bathroom covered in blood after he beat the python to death with a toilet brush.

Shocking footage shows the aftermath of Thanat Thangtewanon’s confrontation with the 3.5-metre-long reptile that hid in the U-bend of his toilet on Tuesday.

Thanat said that just after he sat down he felt a sharp pain ripping through his testicles.

He said: ‘I felt something biting my balls. It was really painful so I put my hands in the toilet to see what was wrong. I was shocked that I had grabbed a snake,’ he said.

‘I quickly got up and picked it out. I felt pain, really bad pain, and there was blood everywhere, but I was more shocked to find a python in the toilet.’

In a desperate attempt to dislodge the snake, Thanat grabbed the toilet brush and began hitting the snake’s head until it lost its grip and died.

Disturbing photos show blood in Thanat’s bathroom after he was bitten on his testicles

Thanat shared his horror after killing a snake that had latched onto his testicles

Thanat shared his horror after killing a snake that had latched onto his testicles

The snake lying dead on the ground after Thanat attacked it with a brush

The snake lying dead on the ground after Thanat attacked it with a brush

The father immediately went to the hospital to get vaccinated against tetanus.

He said doctors told him stitches were not necessary because the wound was not deep enough to damage the skin and that it would heal in a few weeks.

He added: ‘My testicles are safe now. I’m lucky it wasn’t a poisonous snake. A cobra would have killed me.

‘But I haven’t used that toilet since.

“Every time I go, I check what’s in there and put a brush in it just to make sure.”

Pythons have previously attacked people sitting on the toilet in Thailand.

In 2016, a resident of Attaporn Boonmakchuay was attacked by a three-meter-long python while using a squat toilet in Chachoengsao Province.

When his wife heard him scream, she ran into the room and helped pull the python’s jaws out of his penis.

He lost consciousness due to loss of blood but survived after being treated at Chularat Hospital.

After the attack, he replaced the squat toilet with a more modern one.

In 2020, housewife Boonsong Plaikaew was bitten on her buttocks by a python while sitting on the toilet in Samut Prakan province.

Volunteers administered first aid and captured the snake, which was later released into the wild.

The reticulated python is found throughout Southeast Asia. They live in forests, swamps, canals and even in cities, which can bring them into conflict with humans.

This species is one of the largest snakes in the world and can eat humans, cats, dogs, birds, rats, and other snakes.