Texas roadhouse waitress fumes over family-of-three’s paltry tip after they placed $184 order minutes before closing

A Texas Roadhouse server from Florida has taken this over TikTok to complain about the mean tip she received after serving a family of three just minutes before closing time.

The waitress, whose name is Gina, explained how she only received a $2 tip on a $184 order.

The tip falls far short of the usual 18-20% tip that restaurant servers often receive – which would have left Gina taking home almost $37.

“It was a mother, a father and a child – and they were all sitting there having an extended conversation with whoever they were talking to,” Gina explained.

A Texas Roadhouse server from Florida named Gina went on a TikTok rant about receiving a paltry $2 tip on a $184 bill from a family of three just before closing time

Gina works at one of six Texas Roadhouse locations in the state of Florida

“Me and my intern went right up to the table and said, ‘Hey guys, are you ready?’ – and they just ignore us as if we are not in front of them. A blatant disrespect,” she said.

Although the trio paid in cash, even that was unusual as the family used $86 bills to pay the bill in their transaction.

Gina did not say which location in Texas Roadhouse where she works, even though there are only six locations in the Sunshine State.

She continued to express her frustration in the three-minute video, noting how it took the family ten minutes to decide — three of which were spent silently staring at the menu.

‘I gave you bread. I brought you drinks. You didn’t get bad service because me and my intern didn’t let you know we were annoyed,” Gina revealed, noting how she worked in the restaurant industry for 20 years.

Gina said she felt disrespected because the family ignored her and then paid in an unusual way with 86 single dollar bills.

Many of Gina’s TikTok videos reflect on life as a restaurant waitress

There is a growing sense of outrage about the tilt culture in the US. Above, a survey among Americans who participated in surveys and other TikTokers

‘It will never make me angry when it happens. Treating your server this way is just a blatant disrespect for your fellow man,” Gina suggested.

‘Did that feel good to you when you walked out of the restaurant? Were you okay with doing that?’ she asked, becoming visibly more angry and upset.

In the video, which has been viewed 219,000 times, Gina went further: ‘People like that have no conscience. They have no kindness in their souls. Whoever you are – you are evil! You are absolutely evil!

“I hope your child doesn’t grow up like you, even though he probably will.”

Gina generated a lot of sympathy for the way she was treated online.

“I will die on this hill – the tough people who almost close to eat, the rougher they are, and they don’t tip!!!,” server Jen wrote in the comments.

“My favorite is when they pay in cash and tell me to keep the change as a tip with a big smile and it’s about 36 cents. No, you keep it dude, you can’t even pay for a bus ride with this, but thanks,” added another.

“I always say that everyone should work in that industry first so they know how to treat people in that industry,” Penny Holsonbake added.

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