Terrifying reason you should never leave a water bottle in your car

Water may be essential to life, but with heat waves raging across the country, the seemingly innocuous bottles could pose a major safety risk.

Leaving a water bottle in a clear container can be a recipe for disaster if the sun is shining directly on it, warns David Richardson, administrative major for the Midwest City Fire Department.

Just as a magnifying glass can burn holes in things, so too can clear plastic water bottles.

“The chances are pretty slim, but not impossible,” said Richardson, who tested the method, ABC news.

The water bottle may heat nearby objects and possibly cause a fire.

Leaving a bottle of plain water – that comes in a clear container – behind can be a recipe for disaster when the sun shines on it just right. Just as a magnifying glass can burn a hole through things, clear plastic water bottles can

David Richardson, an administrative major for the Midwest City Fire Department, tested this method in 2017, when he used a piece of paper with a black rectangle on it and a regular old water bottle and let the sun shine on it on an 83-degree day.

David Richardson, an administrative major for the Midwest City Fire Department, tested this method in 2017, when he used a piece of paper with a black rectangle on it and a regular old water bottle and let the sun shine on it on an 83-degree day.

Richardson tested this method in 2017. He used a piece of paper with a black rectangle on it and a regular water bottle and let the sun shine on it on a day with a temperature of 28 degrees.

As soon as the beam of light hits the paper, smoke is created and a small hole is burned through it.

“So yes, a water bottle can cause a fire,” he said in the video.

There are certain factors that must be met for the water bottle to pose a fire hazard. For example, car windows must not be tinted and the water bottle must be full to create a magnifying glass effect.

“So keep in mind that all the factors have to be in place for this to work,” he said.

When the light beam hits the paper, smoke starts to form and a small hole burns through it.

When the light beam hits the paper, smoke starts to form and a small hole burns through it. “So yes, a water bottle can start a fire,” he said.

There are certain factors that need to be met for the water bottle to pose a fire hazard. For example, the car windows need to be untinted and the water bottle needs to be full to create a magnifying glass effect.

There are certain factors that need to be met for the water bottle to pose a fire hazard. For example, the car windows need to be untinted and the water bottle needs to be full to create a magnifying glass effect.

Another warning to keep in mind this summer: don’t drink bottled water that has been left in direct sunlight for long periods of time.

Dr. Stephanie Widmer told ABC News that the chemical composition of the bottle could change due to the heat and the water could be contaminated with dangerous toxins.

Other things that can be dangerous in cars in the summer are lithium batteries, such as those in vapes and electric scooters.

The plastic casing may melt and the battery may be exposed to direct sunlight, which may cause an explosion.

Lithium batteries, especially in electric scooters, have proven to be dangerous. Thousands of them explode every year due to overheating.

Recently, Southwest Airlines reported that soda cans exploded after being loaded onto a plane due to the heat wave currently sweeping the US.

Entire cases broken open on several flights departing from Phoenix, Arizona, and Las Vegas, Nevada

Recently, Southwest Airlines reported that soda cans exploded after being loaded onto a plane due to the heat wave currently plaguing the U.S. Entire cases burst open on several flights departing from Phoenix, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada

Other items that you should not leave in your car due to the risk of explosion include: aerosol cans, soft drink cans or bottles, and lighters.

Items that can deteriorate in the sun include: sunscreen, medications, and alcohol. Eyeglasses and sunglasses can also become warped if left in direct sunlight.

Southwest Airlines recently reported that soda cans exploded while being loaded onto a plane due to the heat wave currently sweeping the US.

There have been full-blown cases on several flights departing from Phoenix, Arizona, and Las Vegas, Nevada, where temperatures have soared into the scorching single digits.

At least 20 flight attendants were injured, including one who required stitches.

Things Not to Leave in Your Car This Summer

Heat can be dangerous and leaving certain items in your vehicle can increase the risk of fire or damage to the items.

Here are a few things you shouldn’t leave in your car this summer:

– Water bottles

– Vaping

-Electric scooters

– can of soda

– Spray cans

– Sunshade

– Medicine

– Glasses
