A terrified cyclist held his nerve as he was chased by two giant pit bulls, showing off the terrifying speed of the muscular dogs as they kept up with his bike.
Ed Hack, from Basingstoke, Hampshire, was cycling through remote California as part of a community ride to raise mental health awareness when two large dogs appeared out of nowhere.
Footage captured by the 28-year-old on his phone shows the aggressive animals chasing Ed at high speed as he shouts ‘woh, woh, woh’, before repeatedly telling them to ‘go away’ and to ‘hang out’.
You can see one of the dogs getting eerily close to the front of his bike, trying to bite him as he pushes him closer and closer to the wrong side of the road.
Ed said: ‘I’m not normally that scared, but this was the scariest dog attack.
Ed Hack filmed being chased by two giant pit bulls while cycling through California
Pit bulls can reach speeds of 30 miles per hour and this one seemed to be able to maintain that speed
‘This dog kept getting closer. I think it was a pit bull.
‘This dog pushed me off the road and I had to put pressure on the dog again.
‘I was pushed to the left by the car and I went into the opposite lane of oncoming traffic. Luckily no cars arrived.
“I almost had a literal dog fight over who was going to push who off the road.
‘The dog clearly wanted to bite me. I had to lift my leg and thought this might be the dog biting me. I’ve only been bitten by one dog on a moped.’
Pit bulls have an average speed of between 20 and 30 miles per hour.
Ed turned the camera around to show another dog hot on his heels, and you could hear him say, “look, there’s another one!”
At the last moment, Ed manages to catch up with the animals and bring them to safety, but he is left gasping for breath and shouting ‘oh my god!’.
After posting the video to his social media account, it has since received nearly 245,000 likes and comments.
The cyclist warns fellow riders that the worst thing you can do during a dog chase is accelerate too quickly.
You see one of the dogs get eerily close to the front of his bike and try to bite him
Ed said: ‘Be careful when you are far away and try to cycle faster.
‘The best advice is: stay on your bike. Don’t let the dog push you off your side of the road.
“Also, make sure you don’t fall off and try to ignore the dog unless it’s really chasing you.”
However, in the heat of the moment, Ed was forced to violate his own advice.
Ed said, “This dog wouldn’t stop. I just had to try to pass the dog.
“I came away just thinking, ‘thank you!’ I felt enormous relief.
‘The real problem would have been if the dog bit my leg or if I fell off the bike and he attacked me.
‘It has changed my thoughts and made me more aware of wildlife. It has put their power into perspective.”
Ed leads the Soluna Cycle Tour, a 1,200-mile journey from the northern border of California to the southern border of Mexico, in partnership with the Soluna mental health app.
Towards the end of his journey, the cyclist promotes youth wellness by sharing the mental health stories of Californians he meets along the way with his social media followers.
Ed explained that dog chases are not uncommon in more remote areas.
This is when the chase began as the two dogs ran out of a property and chased the bicycle
Ed said: ‘People don’t expect cyclists to be there, so they leave the doors open and the dogs can run outside.
‘Dogs are a little confused as to what the cyclists are. It’s in their nature to hunt.’
Despite this frightening moment, Ed does not want to discourage people from cycling.
Ed said: ‘It’s rare that it actually ends so badly.
‘You come out of these situations with a new-found confidence in yourself.
‘Some remote areas are the most beautiful.’