Terrified Peruvian villagers claim they are being attacked by 7-foot-tall ‘aliens’ dubbed ‘Face Peelers’ as they plead with authorities to send reinforcements

Terrified Peruvian villagers claim they are being attacked by 7-foot-tall ‘aliens’ dubbed ‘Face Peelers’ as they plead with authorities to send reinforcements

  • Members of the Ikitu tribe claim to have been repeatedly attacked by ‘aliens’
  • They have enlisted the help of the Peruvian military and have begun conducting their own night patrols to protect the vulnerable villagers

Terrified villagers in a rural Peruvian district have claimed they’ve been attacked by 7-foot-tall aliens they’ve dubbed Los Pelacaras or The Face Peelers.

Members of the Ikitu tribe of the San Antonio indigenous community have reported mysterious figures in dark-colored hoods attacking villagers living in the rural district of Alto Nanay, northeast of Lima, Peru.

After such an “attack”, a 15-year-old girl had to go to the hospital.

According to community leader Jairo Reátegui Dávila, the teenager narrowly escaped, but “as a result of the struggle, they cut part of her neck.”

According to local media, members of the community are now conducting night patrols to protect women, children and the more vulnerable villagers, and have called on authorities to send in the army.

Terrified villagers in a rural Peruvian district have claimed they have been attacked by 7-foot-tall aliens they have dubbed Los Pelacaras (The Face Peelers). Pictured: A man with bandages on his head who was allegedly attacked is helped by two other villages

Pictured: Armed Peruvian officials arrive at the rural community to investigate the attacks

Some community members said they can’t sleep because they are afraid.

Local residents described the “aliens” as having large heads and yellowish eyes, saying the mysterious figures are immune to their hunting weapons.

They claim that they have been attacking them every night for almost a month since July 11.

Latina Noticias, a Peruvian news outlet, quoted Dávila as saying that he came face to face with one of the so-called aliens.

“We met almost face-to-face. His face is barely visible. I’ve seen his whole body floating at a height of three feet,” he said, suggesting the creature was floating.

The group has now requested a military presence from authorities, but reportedly takes a 10-hour river trip to reach the community from Iquitos City.

“We need support for our community. The children don’t sleep and the mothers stay up all night,” Dávila said. “They look armored. I shot one of them twice and he wasn’t hurt, he got up and disappeared.

“We are very afraid of what is happening here in our community.”

He added: ‘Their shoes are round in shape, with which they float… Their heads are long, they wear a mask and their eyes are yellowish. They are experts at escape.’

After such an “alien attack”, a 15-year-old girl (pictured) had to be taken to the hospital. According to local reports, she suffered neck injuries during a fight with one of the mysterious creatures

According to local media, members of the community are now conducting night patrols to protect women, children and the more vulnerable villagers. Pictured: Armed locals guard the area after the reported alien attacks

Some villagers described the aliens as “pelacaras,” strange creatures from folklore that feast on human faces, fat, and organs.

According to reports, police reached the remote area aboard a speedboat and toured the village, including the area where the teen was allegedly attacked.

It is unclear whether the authorities have found anything that confirms the villagers’ claims and whether the government plans to send military personnel to the area for an extended period of time to protect the villagers from the mysterious threat.

According to a 2017 national census, there are about 1,350 people who identify as members of the Ikitu community.

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