‘Tensions on the High Road’ walkthrough and choice in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Tensions on the High Road” is a Dragon dogma 2 side mission that offers you a choice. Should you side with Raghnall or Simon during a failed escort mission?

In this Dragon dogma 2 In our guide, we’ll give you a full overview of the ‘Tensions on the High Road’ quest, including an overview of whether or not you should team up with Raghnall or Simon.

How to start ‘Tensions on High Road’ in Dragon’s Dogma 2

After you finally find your way to Battahl Dragon dogma 2, you can enter Bakbattahl, the country’s capital. That’s where you meet each other Ragnallan important NPC for this side mission.

Once you’ve been to Bakbattahl and met Raghnall, return to Vernworth and walk through the square near the fountain – the same fountain from the quest ‘A Begger’s Tale’. Called a guard Simon will approach you. He will say that he needs help escorting Ser Augustin from Checkpoint Rest Town back to Vernworth, and orders you (suspiciously) not to tell Captain Brant.

Image: Jeffrey Parkin/Polygon | Sources: Capcom via Polygon

Talking to Simon will give you the quest ‘Tensions on the High Road’. To really kick things off, quickly travel by ox cart to Checkpoint Rest Town and leave town heading north as if you were heading back to Vernworth. Simon will stop you at the intersection and the escort will start.

Should you side with Raghnall or Simon in ‘Tensions on the High Road?’

Image: Capcom via Polygon

Almost immediately after starting the escort mission, your party is interrupted by Raghnall standing on a cliff during a cutscene. He will tell you that Simon and the guards cannot be trusted, and he will beg you to release Ser Augustin from their company. Simon begs you to ignore and kill Raghnall. Once you regain control, a fight breaks out and the quest tells you to choose a side.

All you have to do is attack the party you side with in return for. It will be quite hectic when the battle starts, so time your first attack carefully. Also be warned: simply picking up one of the characters here is considered an attack, so be sure of your choice before pressing any buttons.

What happens if you side with Raghnall?

If you side with Raghnall, slaughter the guards together. Raghnall will thank you for your services and ask you to follow him and Ser Augustin into the nearby forest. While you can certainly continue the quest now, you don’t have to, as the characters will be waiting for you.

What happens if you side with Simon?

If you choose to side with Simon and attack Raghnall, Raghnall will flee into the forest on the first hit you land on him – with Ser Augusten in tow. From there, the rest of the quest proceeds exactly the same.

Chase Raghnall

Image: Capcom via Polygon

When you’re ready to move on, head to the mission marker to pursue Raghnall, whether you’ve declared him friend or foe.

Go to Guerco Cave – you may have to run past (or kill) a sleeping drake and probably encounter some helicopters. If you walk along the planks in the cave, you will fall through and find Raghnall in a pit. Help him fight some monsters and then follow him through the cave.

Image: Capcom via Polygon

Raghnall will then tell you all about the plot to kill Ser Augustin and how you would take the blame for it. After the two of you have rested, continue following the tunnel to complete the quest.

You get 12,000 gold And 4,000 XP regardless of which side you initially chose. The only difference is Raghnall’s opinion of you at the end of the game.

For more Dragon dogma 2 walkthroughs, here’s how to find the Phantom Oxcart, how to identify the killer in ‘Shadowed Prayers’, how to buy a house in Battahl, and how to get Miasmite.

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