Tennessee lieutenant governor takes social media break after admiring semi-nude photos of gay man

Tennessee’s Republican lieutenant governor announced he is ‘pausing’ his use of social media after receiving backlash for admiring Instagram photos of a half-naked 20-year-old man.

Lieutenant Governor Randy McNally took his Instagram private Monday “for reflection and further guidance on the use of social media,” his office wrote in a statement.

McNally’s verified account was used to comment on flame and heart emojis on posts by Franklyn Superstar, who regularly appeared in his underwear or shirtless. He has since claimed that he “could have been more careful”.

The comments emerged last week after Tennessee banned transgender treatment of children and “adult-oriented” entertainment, such as drag shows, from public property.

“While I have made some mistakes in my use of social media, the characterization of me and my background as somehow ‘anti-gay’ is inaccurate,” the statement read. ‘On a personal level, nothing could be further from the truth. I believe that each person has value and deserves respect regardless of their orientation.’

Lieutenant Governor Randy McNally took his Instagram private Monday “to reflect and receive further guidance on the use of social media.”

McNally’s verified account was used to comment on flame and heart emojis on posts by Franklyn Superstar, who regularly appeared in his underwear or shirtless.

A comment from McNally appeared on a video showing Franklyn walking down a ramp in her underwear.

McNally wrote: “I love it” accompanied by heart and flame emojis.

On another occasion, McNally commented under a photo: ‘You seem super happy. You are like the sun. While one featured Franklyn in her underwear, McNally wrote, “Franklyn, you can turn a rainy day into rainbows and sunshine.”

Speaking exclusively to DailyMail.com last week, Franklyn, who identifies as gay, said he had no idea who McNally was when he started commenting on his social media. “I don’t keep up with politics that way,” he said.

Online critics consider McNally a hypocrite amid various bans in the state.

Despite the comments, he stated that he “respects” the gay community while “absolutely still appreciating traditional Tennessee values.”

“I am 79 years old and raised in a time when homosexuality was deeply shameful,” the statement read.

Now I have friends and even a relative who is gay. I have worked hard to try to better understand this community and, at the same time, not compromise on trying to protect the children and my own values.’

McNally claimed that he spoke out against a recent bill that would have restricted gay adoption.

“I have also supported legislation that would protect children and keep obscenity out of the public sphere,” the statement read. And I support traditional marriage. There is no contradiction here.

He continued: “While I may disagree with the specific policies of certain LGBTQ activists, all people deserve love and compassion, regardless of race, gender, or any other attribute.”

According to his official profile, McNally, a retired pharmacist, has a wife, Janice, two grown daughters and three grandchildren.

McNally, a retired pharmacist, has a wife, Janice, two grown daughters, and three grandchildren.

Franklyn told DailyMail.com that he had exchanged private messages with McNally, but said he was unwilling to reveal the content.

In February, McNally commented under this image on Facebook. ‘I love this photo, but Finn you look sad. Hope all is well. If he doesn’t talk to me’

McNally and his wife Jackie (above) have been married for over 50 years

Franklyn told DailyMail.com that he had exchanged private messages with McNally, but said he was unwilling to reveal the content. He also said that the couple never saw eye to eye.

In at least one post, McNally refers to Franklyn by his nickname, Finn.

Franklyn responded to McNally in several messages. Beneath one where the lieutenant governor posted three love hearts and three fire emojis, Franklyn replied, “You’re literally always so nice.” King.’

In February, McNally commented under one of Franklyn’s photos on Facebook. ‘I love this photo, but Finn you look sad. Hope all is well. If he doesn’t talk to me.

Franklyn is a native of Knoxville, Tennessee, an area of ​​the state that McNally represents as a state senator for the fifth district, but now lives in South Carolina.

McNally was teased on this weekend’s episode of ‘Saturday Night Live’ by non-binary actress Molly Kearney, who dressed up as McNally alongside comedian Colin Jost.

McNally’s character joked that he “didn’t think people would find out because [he] used a screen name’ – ‘Lieutenant Governor McNally’

McNally was teased on this weekend’s episode of ‘Saturday Night Live’ by non-binary actress Molly Kearney, who dressed up as McNally alongside comedian Colin Jost.

Kearney opened the segment as McNally, saying, ‘I spent all day printing out Mapquest addresses. I don’t know if you know, but I’m good at the Internet.

Throughout the comedy skit, Jost was adamant about why McNally would comment on Franklyn’s semi-nude photos.

McNally’s character joked that he “didn’t think people would find out because [he] used a screen name.

To which Jost asked: ‘What’s the screen name?’

“Lieutenant Governor McNally,” his character replied.

The segment ended with McNally’s character stating that he was only leaving Instagram because he “forgot his password”.

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