Tempering the Real Costs of Alcohol Abuse | Letters

Any research published by the Institute of Alcohol Studies should be treated with caution (alcohol abuse costs England £27 billion a year, May 17). The IAS receives the majority of its income financing of the Alliance House Foundation, the modern version of the temperance movement. The AHF website says that “To this day, we continue to promote total abstinence as a lifestyle choice, but we do not attempt to enforce this through legislation.” It goes on to say: “We provide financial grants to other charities that align with our objectives. We are the leading donor to the Institute of Alcohol Studies.”

However, the IAS not only receives most of its funding from the temperance movement, but also shares some of its senior staff with the AHF. Rev. Dr. Janet Tollington and Michael Carr are trustees of the IAS and also serve as board members of the AHF. Given that the IAS is aligned with the aims of the temperance movement (otherwise the AHF would presumably not fund it), in all these circumstances there is a risk that its research could be influenced by confirmation bias.
Shaun Whitfield
Beverly, East Yorkshire

The Guardian is right to highlight the enormous costs of harmful drinking to society. This takes many forms and therefore the government must develop a multi-dimensional alcohol strategy. I had a wry smile when I read the comment from the Portman Group (long-term advocates for beverage companies) about “the significant direct economic contribution” of the alcohol industry. They never talk about the significant direct economic contribution made to politicians and their parties.
Woody Caan
Former chairman of the alcohol special interest group, Faculty of Public Health

Do you have an opinion about something you read in the Guardian today? Please e-mail us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.

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